Advice for first mushroom experience.

Part 1: Hey everyone I hope all is well. I am just coming off of a trip and wanted to share my experience. I want to apologize for the length of the post, but it is the only way to explain and I Rollitup won't let me add paragraphs for some reason..... So I am growing shrooms using PF-Tek and only got 1.5 grams dry from my first flush.....I know it is rather sad, but I will be switching to bulk substrates pretty soon. So out impatience and because I got some advice from some of the users to try a smaller dosage I decided to give 1.5 g a shot ( dry ). I could have waited, but who knows if I would even have 3-4 grams after 2nd or 3rd flush...I should have just gone with Bulk Substrate from the get go...
Did You dunk and roll ? brown rice / verm substrate ?
interesting You only yielded so much. What recipe are You using for a bulk substrate ?
Are YOu sure You want to jump from pf tek to bulk that quick? Practice makes perfect.

Anyway after taking the mushrooms I felt completely disorientated, colors started to get brighter, sounds were in a finer tune and I was just kind of lost in a daze. The whole time I felt like I was battling my body to stay up. My body kept on telling me to go lay down, but I didn't listen...So I scrolled around the internet listening to songs watching videos and I stumbled across my email page which was already open.
sounds like a mild lsd trip. say 40-60 micrograms. :)

Part 2: I saw a email that said it was a receipt from PayPal for something I bought ( I did not buy anything with my PayPal account recently...) So in my tripping mind I freaked out because it said someone had purchased some type of Drone or some bullshit with my account. I quickly dialed PayPal and waited for what seamed like forever to speak to a customer service rep and cancel the transaction. I finally got this girl who barely spoke English and was obviously new at the company....She needed information from me to verify the account, but unfortunately I had not used my PayPal account in years. She needed the address that was linked to the account to verify but I only knew the street name and number and not the area code....( which I could have easily looked up ...) So she could not allow me access to my account to cancel the said transaction because I couldn't verify my account info....So im tripping the Fuck out and arguing with this lady saying " Who the hell would call to cancel a transaction other than the owner...." and I finally get forwarded to another service rep. Meanwhile I am tripping the Fuck Out and overall hating Mushrooms at this point.....
why are you tripping on the computer ? lol
such a weird set and setting.
Part 4: I also found myself asking questions about Mushrooms while I was tripping in Bed and this will sound very weird but I felt as if the Mushroom answered these questions for me. As soon as I asked in my mind I wonder where all the " knowledge" people would speak about on mushrooms ( like Terence Mckenna etc..) and the Mushrooms sent a Extremely powerful wave through my body ( more powerful than any thus far ) as if to say " How foolish of you to try to underestimate me". Im sure some of you know what I am talking about. I found myself wanting to get naked ( like one member suggested ) while tripping and kind of felt like a little bug squirming around in my bed. I am so glad I decided to listen to my body and go to bed. If I would have stayed up ( and fought the need to lay down) I would have had a completely different outlook on Mushrooms.Overall, the trip once in my bed was so pleasurable and positive that I completely forgot about what a bad trip I was having earlier. I feel as if I have a different perspective on Life and feel a little wiser ( Like my ) I also feel a little less of a reason to rush around so much. I also have a better understanding on how to control surrounding variables to ensure a better trip next time. I am looking forward to another Trip down the road. One with a little more dosage probably 3-4 grams? I am wondering why my body felt the need to lay down so badly? It did not want to get up or leave the covers. I am wondering if that will change with dosages or if that is something solely based on individual effects. I just want to Thank Everyone for their positive feedback and help. I think I spoke prematurely when I said I understood Mushrooms earlier.....I have only begun to understand....
Hey HeatlessBBQ they are brown rice and verm. I did not Dunk before the First Flush but I did roll them in Vermiculite. This second Flush I dunked for 24 hours, but did not roll again. One of the biggest problems I have is temp and humidity. Where I live it rather cold right now and temps in the house aren't the greatest... The terrarium sits at around 65-70F and 60-80RH. So I know that is a HUGE factor... and I don't have anywhere right now to dedicate/heat just for a small terrarium. Also some of the Teks I took out as soon as they were 100% colonized and put them in the Terrarium and they fruited less than some other one's I let sit for a few days after 100% Colonization. So I learned to let them sit in the jars after 100% Colonization for better yields. So it has to do a lot with inexperience as well as Temp and RH. Yes I am done with PF Tek period. I have been growing some green stuff for a while as well so I am very confident I will do fine with Bulk Substrates. My Temps and RH are the main problems and once I switch to Bulk I will have more of a reason to heat/ dedicate a room to my mushrooms.
I also have done a great deal of reading since I started the PF -Tek and found some great resources like
The problem was when I started I couldn't find a whole lot of info..., but that has changed
As far as the substrate I am thinking Cow or Horse Manure based mixed with gypsum, EWC, Hydrated Lime and Verm. Then a Casing layer of Sphagnum and Verm with a little Hydrated Lime and Oyster Shell. I apologize If I sound arrogant about my growing ability. I have just learned so much that I feel that with the right Temps and RH I will have great success. I would apprecciate any advice though brother. Thank you
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Hey HeatlessBBQ they are brown rice and verm. I did not Dunk before the First Flush but I did roll them in Vermiculite. This second Flush I dunked for 24 hours, but did not roll again. One of the biggest problems I have is temp and humidity. Where I live it rather cold right now and temps in the house aren't the greatest... The terrarium sits at around 65-70F and 60-80RH. So I know that is a HUGE factor... and I don't have anywhere right now to dedicate/heat just for a small terrarium. Also some of the Teks I took out as soon as they were 100% colonized and put them in the Terrarium and they fruited less than some other one's I let sit for a few days after 100% Colonization. So I learned to let them sit in the jars after 100% Colonization for better yields. So it has to do a lot with inexperience as well as Temp and RH. Yes I am done with PF Tek period. I have been growing some green stuff for a while as well so I am very confident I will do fine with Bulk Substrates. My Temps and RH are the main problems and once I switch to Bulk I will have more of a reason to heat/ dedicate a room to my mushrooms.
issues with flushing + temp sounds like the culprit. 100%
I also have done a great deal of reading since I started the PF -Tek and found some great resources like
The problem was when I started I couldn't find a whole lot of info..., but that has changed
As far as the substrate I am thinking Cow or Horse Manure based mixed with gypsum, EWC, Hydrated Lime and Verm. Then a Casing layer of Sphagnum and Verm with a little Hydrated Lime and Oyster Shell. I apologize If I sound arrogant about my growing ability. I have just learned so much that I feel that with the right Temps and RH I will have great success. I would apprecciate any advice though brother. Thank you
You don't sound arrogant at all. Just wondering.
Oh ok Heatless I appreciate that. I really need to dedicate a bathroom or something where I can better control the temps and RH to ensure better yields. I still have a good bit of time (before I will start the Bulk Substrates ( going to finish 2nd and 3rd flush first). This next run I am going to make sure I control my environmental variables better and also continue up on my reading.I appreciative all your help with everything man.
Oh ok Heatless I appreciate that. I really need to dedicate a bathroom or something where I can better control the temps and RH to ensure better yields. I still have a good bit of time (before I will start the Bulk Substrates ( going to finish 2nd and 3rd flush first). This next run I am going to make sure I control my environmental variables better and also continue up on my reading.I appreciative all your help with everything man.
no worries. lemme know if You have any questions or even tips for Us !!!!! :D