Advice for my first grow???

Sounds good but i think dannyboy got a good idea topping them and lst'ing them, will keep em shorter. Peace
i run screws in my buckets and ive even got clothes hangars and made hooks and bent em over and staked them in the ground then when your shoots start popping up like their own little plants along the main stem and get about 1/4 the vertical height i top them and let em go and have even had to lst some of the lstd shoots or top em again! lol.!
I top and lst the 4 main branches to grow sideways, makes the plant look square from above. Then i pinch and bend each shoot a couple of times before flower to get it extra bushy. One thing about LST'ing is get in there early whilst the new growth and plant is flexible and supple, after a while those branches turn quite solid and unbendable, well not much give anyway. You could tie the whole plant down and have it run the length of the grow.

Sucsess or failure i know i really enjoyed my first little grow box and experimenting. I keept on starting a new seedling incase i killed the previous one, that way i always had a plant on the go to practice on. Really miss my first little stealth box, was in my wadrobe, got a small garden tent about one and a half foot wide by two foot long by two and a half foot high. Had a little sloping roof like a house which i put a small chimney in with a pc fan and the material was see through so i lined it with white garden fleece. Had a unzippable front door and i had 4 to six two foot flourescents at the top. Best weed ever, had two bagseed think orange bud or euphoria and my original white widow strain that i kept till present day. Must have yeilded well over an ounce of prime smoke. Am very jealous of your little setup, makes we want mine back. Peace
Well i got them moved into some bigger pots successfully!
Am still quite unsure(scared) to try lst because the main stem is pretty stiff, dont think it would bend down without snapping and really dont want to do that!! Will need to look at maybe tying the other smaller stems tho.

I still have them on constant light, would it be a good idea to change that now, maybe to 18/6 or similar.
Or should i just go through with 12/12 and flower them now and work on my new seedling??

Arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh so many choices.... what should i do. (i was never good at decision making!)

thanks again folks.
Heres a quick update, just been out for a check up and already with just 24 hours in the new pots there is signifigantly more growth(well in my eyes anyway).
I also have found 4 more poles which will allow me to double my grow box height!! yea:)
only problem now is making a new cover to keep the light out/in.
in theory this should allow me to have a small area in the bottom for vegging and a taller 2nd area to flower.
tomorrow evenings plan will be making that cover but until then i'll just stick with vegging light cycle


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Hiya folks.

Well i finally got off my arse and modded my grow box, hopefully now it should do right through.
I also decided to bite the bullet and just go into 12/12 flowering and see what i get.

Stuck the lights on 12/12, 8 days ago and upon checking them tonite im pretty sure i have 1 male :( so that fucker has been pulled out of the box and hopefully it hasnt interfered with what i believe to be my female.

let me all know what u think of my progress and as always any ideas would be awesome
cheers peoples :)


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Ballast makers recommend a cool down period every day for the ballasts so running 24/7 is not a good idea.
looks male to me,sorry.
ditch the tinfoil, flat white paint or mylar is the way to go.
Pic 9 is 100% male.

Those seedlings look to be suffering, maybe too much ferts maybe over watering, those cfls look to be a bit too close to it and horizontal not vertical would be better.

Overall more light but sice this is a first grow not too bad dude, you got ok looking bigger plants for sure just the small seedlings need work and more light would equal bushier plants, thanks for the update. Peace
If only had I known. my ballasts have been running 24/7 for two years now. >.< Lumatek ftw.
Ballast makers recommend a cool down period every day for the ballasts so running 24/7 is not a good idea.
looks male to me,sorry.
ditch the tinfoil, flat white paint or mylar is the way to go.
Ballast makers recommend a cool down period every day for the ballasts so running 24/7 is not a good idea.
looks male to me,sorry.
ditch the tinfoil, flat white paint or mylar is the way to go.

Dont some growers cool the ballasts with seperate fans as well to keep them running at cooler temps. Peace
anybody got any ideas on my questions about what sex they are??

28082011302.jpg Im surprised that no one has mentioned this before, that picture is definitely a male, i cannot see any pistils anywhere. I would chop it down and start another, unless you want seeds that is?!
If only had I known. my ballasts have been running 24/7 for two years now. >.< Lumatek ftw.
I guess I should have been more specific, magnetic coil ballasts should not be run 24/7. never saw a warning about lumatek electronic ballasts.
and an old school magnetic ballast will will work 24/7 for a few yrs, you just shorten its life.
28082011302.jpg Im surprised that no one has mentioned this before, that picture is definitely a male, i cannot see any pistils anywhere. I would chop it down and start another, unless you want seeds that is?!

Pic 9 is 100% male.

Those seedlings look to be suffering, maybe too much ferts maybe over watering, those cfls look to be a bit too close to it and horizontal not vertical would be better.

Overall more light but sice this is a first grow not too bad dude, you got ok looking bigger plants for sure just the small seedlings need work and more light would equal bushier plants, thanks for the update. Peace

I did say pic 9 was a male, thought this should have covered it. Why not save some pollen and fertilise one branch of a female, mess about with some free seeds if you like, some would definatly not bother but it is always an option. peace
heya all,
mastiffkush, mrmadcow and kingrow1, Thank you guys for your info an hints.

i have now chopped the male and thrown it to fuck away. wee bit peeved off i had a male but 1 out of 2 aint bad for a first time i suppose and at least now i know what to look for in future.
My remaining female is going strong and as someof you pointed out earlier in the thread she has taken a bit more of a growing spurt so im damn glad i increased the height available:)

hopefully once i have finished with this first attempt i will try to improve my box with as much info that you folks have given me.
if i can get my hands on some mylar for much cheapness then it will be lined with that but more than likely will go with some gloss white paint.
why is tin foil not as suitable?? does white paint do the job much better?

also Kingrow1, what are my advantages to moving my cfls to a horizontal position? roughly how far away should i be aiming to keep them from my seedling?

thanx again for listening to all my dumb ramblings and dumber questions:)
heya all,
mastiffkush, mrmadcow and kingrow1, Thank you guys for your info an hints.

i have now chopped the male and thrown it to fuck away. wee bit peeved off i had a male but 1 out of 2 aint bad for a first time i suppose and at least now i know what to look for in future.
My remaining female is going strong and as someof you pointed out earlier in the thread she has taken a bit more of a growing spurt so im damn glad i increased the height available:)

hopefully once i have finished with this first attempt i will try to improve my box with as much info that you folks have given me.
if i can get my hands on some mylar for much cheapness then it will be lined with that but more than likely will go with some gloss white paint.
why is tin foil not as suitable?? does white paint do the job much better?

also Kingrow1, what are my advantages to moving my cfls to a horizontal position? roughly how far away should i be aiming to keep them from my seedling?

thanx again for listening to all my dumb ramblings and dumber questions:)

You're welcome, i would most definitely recommend trying to get some pure indica strain for your next grow, mainly because you dont have the room in that grow box for anything else. You will greatly appreciate the increase in yield for the limited amount of space that you have, and the highs are mostly couchlock!!!