Advice for this upcoming first timer!!

I'm making a x2 5 gallon bucket aeroponic system with both an inner sprinkler heads and tubing system for nutrient dispersal. Gonna use a mid-sized red/blue dual spectrum LED as well as cfl bulbs.Now...I need advice on a few things as this is my first aeroponic grow.
First, Should i use a 250 or 500 gallon/per/hour submersible pump? Second, What is the best nutes for the price? i need enough for both buckets and want extra left over if possible. Also I'm looking to do 3 plants per bucket at any given time. I figure this way I can grow, and as one is harvested, another clone is put in its place.
The only other thing i need is a good medium... I've read about the expanding clay balls and rock wool;Whats your take?or is the something else that's better?
:weed::weed:All help would be appreciated.:weed::weed:


really? noone will help me on this huh? That's very unhelpful for a help forum. <.<
I would love to give you some feedback on Aeroponics, but i dont have alot of knowledge in that field. If it was DWC hydroponics i would be more than happy to write you a book haha. But all i know is aeroponics are very tricky. You have to make sure your spray nozzles spray a fine enough mist for all the nutes to be absorbed correctly and cover the roots. The nozzle heads will need to be cleaned often.

As for nutes i use Technaflora nutes, i stand by them 100 percent as my plants just seem soooooo happy and healthy while using them, check out my current microgrow.

Your using Aeroponics so you dont use a medium, jsut have the rubbercaps over the net pots to suspend your plant in the air, and the air acts as your growing medium.


Also if your wanting to do 3 plants per buckets, and maintain a continual cycle, you will have to use Auto flowering seeds, so you can grow with the lights on a constant 12/12.