Advice from Health Canada concerning ACMPR renewal paperwork


Well-Known Member
I wrote to Health Canada last week asking for advice as to when I should send in my renewal paperwork - my permits to grow and possess expire in September 2017. I refuse to sit on hold on the phone for hours only to talk to somebody who knows nothing about anything.....) This is their response :

" Thank you for your correspondence regarding the process to renew a registration certificate issued under the terms of the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR).

Health Canada is currently receiving high volumes of applications, as such individuals should submit their renewal application as far in advance as possible.

The processing time to issue a registration certificate is highly dependent upon a number of factors, including the completeness of the information submitted, the need to verify certain information contained in the application or the volume of applications received. "

I will have my Family Doctor sign off on the paperwork at my next visit a couple of weeks from now..........
Somone I know had their paper work returned because HC said "They gave too much info paper work" instead of sending back what they didn't want HC sent back the whole thing and had that person re-send the application minus the extra info. HC said they couldn't just send back what they didn't need, they had to return the whole appication LMFAO.
I wrote to Health Canada last week asking for advice as to when I should send in my renewal paperwork - my permits to grow and possess expire in September 2017. I refuse to sit on hold on the phone for hours only to talk to somebody who knows nothing about anything.....) This is their response :

" Thank you for your correspondence regarding the process to renew a registration certificate issued under the terms of the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR).

Health Canada is currently receiving high volumes of applications, as such individuals should submit their renewal application as far in advance as possible.

The processing time to issue a registration certificate is highly dependent upon a number of factors, including the completeness of the information submitted, the need to verify certain information contained in the application or the volume of applications received. "

I will have my Family Doctor sign off on the paperwork at my next visit a couple of weeks from now..........
Now we have to ask the Doctor to post date their scripts seeing as how HC dates your PPLs expiry date 1 year from when the Doctor signs. Otherwise you lose almost half a year just waiting. And if I have to pay for my fucking script, thats a HUGE waste of finances pissed away in the waiting process.
I wrote to Health Canada last week asking for advice as to when I should send in my renewal paperwork - my permits to grow and possess expire in September 2017. I refuse to sit on hold on the phone for hours only to talk to somebody who knows nothing about anything.....) This is their response :

" Thank you for your correspondence regarding the process to renew a registration certificate issued under the terms of the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR).

Health Canada is currently receiving high volumes of applications, as such individuals should submit their renewal application as far in advance as possible.

The processing time to issue a registration certificate is highly dependent upon a number of factors, including the completeness of the information submitted, the need to verify certain information contained in the application or the volume of applications received. "

I will have my Family Doctor sign off on the paperwork at my next visit a couple of weeks from now..........

THIS IS TOTALLY REDICULOUS!!! The paperwork they send back is back dated so WHY the FUCK should you send it in, "in as far advance as possible?". What the hell kind of joker shitshow are they trying to run here? Are we like chickens that run around every month filling out paperwork in "as far advance" as possible, henpecking at the fucking seeds of our own destruction (literally we are sick motherfuckers), tiring ourselves out (as if we did not have enough problems?) to fill in your rediculous paperwork that YOU YOURSELVES do not even understand, let alone have the timely duty to fufill - hola fuck man, I could go on. Go and fucking die HC scum. You are worse than the LPs you fucking butt fucked to fuck sick people.

THIS IS TOTALLY REDICULOUS!!! The paperwork they send back is back dated so WHY the FUCK should you send it in, "in as far advance as possible?". What the hell kind of joker shitshow are they trying to run here? Are we like chickens that run around every month filling out paperwork in "as far advance" as possible, henpecking at the fucking seeds of our own destruction (literally we are sick motherfuckers), tiring ourselves out (as if we did not have enough problems?) to fill in your rediculous paperwork that YOU YOURSELVES do not even understand, let alone have the timely duty to fufill - hola fuck man, I could go on. Go and fucking die HC scum. You are worse than the LPs you fucking butt fucked to fuck sick people.


That is my "tell us how we did" placard. I plan to shove it RIGHT UP THEIR ASS!!!! (Queue Chris Farley mad voice).