Seven Ways Your Vote Might Not Count This November

Let's see now ... Med has called for crushing "the rich," limiting "ownership," increasing taxes to the moon, increasing the size of the federal government beyond the behemoth it already is, destroying our medical system, and enslaving doctors. He was for John Edwards before he was against John Edwards, was for Hillary Clinton before he was against Hillary Clinton, and now supports the candidate who wants us to sacrifice our individuality for the good of the collective. Loves Castro and Che. Loves Hugo Chavez. Supports unions. Supports the minimum wage. Supports the idea of economic equality through force.

Hmmm ... doesn't sound like a libertarian, either left OR right to me.

Do you really care what Med is? I mean you two obviously don't get along. Although I don't know your exact political affiliation you are obviously conservative. I guess it's all in good fun but isn't the division what is hurting America?
Do you really care what Med is? I mean you two obviously don't get along. Although I don't know your exact political affiliation you are obviously conservative. I guess it's all in good fun but isn't the division what is hurting America?

No, I really don't care "what Med is." I DO care about his influence on others though, especially his influence upon undeveloped political minds.

My political affiliation? Libertarian.

What you see in my posts as "obviously conservative," is what most folks today would consider anarchy, i.e., Limiting the size of the federal government by chaining it with the Constitution. Supporting free markets and free minds. Putting the political power back into the states where it belongs. Allow voluntary free exchange. Privatize the school systems. Return to honest money. Hardly what you see being espoused by the Republican Party. There's a lot more to my political philosophy, but I'll not list it here.

Today's so called "conservatives" or the Right Wing, if you will, have a fascist bent all their own. Mainly, foisting their personal "moral" values down the throats of each of us, using the very same gun of government as the Leftists want to use, in order to economically enslave us. With the liberals, not equal opportunity, but equal results is the goal. With the Right Wing, putting us all of us into a little box of their moral rules is the goal, while they keep a very close eye on the box. Either way, liberty is lost.

And no, I don't believe that the "division" is hurting America. I believe that lack of historical knowledge is hurting America.

That's about it.

No, I really don't care "what Med is." I DO care about his influence on others though, especially his influence upon undeveloped political minds.

My political affiliation? Libertarian.

What you see in my posts as "obviously conservative," is what most folks today would consider anarchy, i.e., Limiting the size of the federal government by chaining it with the Constitution. Supporting free markets and free minds. Putting the political power back into the states where it belongs. Allow voluntary free exchange. Privatize the school systems. Return to honest money. Hardly what you see being espoused by the Republican Party. There's a lot more to my political philosophy, but I'll not list it here.

Today's so called "conservatives" or the Right Wing, if you will, have a fascist bent all their own. Mainly, foisting their personal "moral" values down the throats of each of us, using the very same gun of government as the Leftists want to use, in order to economically enslave us. With the liberals, not equal opportunity, but equal results is the goal. With the Right Wing, putting us all of us into a little box of their moral rules is the goal, while they keep a very close eye on the box. Either way, liberty is lost.

And no, I don't believe that the "division" is hurting America. I believe that lack of historical knowledge is hurting America.

That's about it.


Well I agree with most of your ideas. I would be a Republican if the Republican party were really Republicans lol. Didn't George Washington warn against the two party system? That's the division I'm speaking about. It seems like every four years we all disagree about the same stupid issues that don't actually affect abortion and gay rights. Who cares anymore? That is all I hear about. My aunt is a huge Christian and was trying to convince me to vote Republican on the issue of Pro-life. She has a gay daughter.
Vi what is it that Hugo Chavez has done that is so evil? As far as I know he made Venezuelans wealthy. Unless the documentary I watched was wrong. And it very well may have been.
I watched the documentary War On Democracy by John Pilger. Here is a link if you want to see it: The War On Democracy -

In the documentary it talks about a coup that ousted and kidnapped Hugo Chavez. When that happened the citizens took to the streets. The military swore alligence to Chavez and he was returned. The United States backed the coup. I suck at researching and making sure that facts are actually facts but this guy has won awards for his documentaries so I'm feel as though we are being duped. I know the MSM is full of shit most of them anyways some of them just report what everyone else is because they gotta get on the gravy train. But if I hadn't have watched this documentary I would not have even heard of the any of this going down.

I read that Chavez sent a bunch of heaters to the poor in NYC. I just dabble in politics so I may be wrong but I guess that is my right. So if I am wrong then please enlighten me.
Hard to fault The Heritage Foundation.

Anytime a leader helps his constituency (people), Vi claims they are no good commies. That is exactly what is wrong with this world. Questionj- why should someone born with a silver spoon be allowed to make tons of money off of my labor. The elitest scrape 90%+++ of the money out of a business and do less than 1% of the work. Doesn't quite seem fair to me. Employees should share in the profits. I agree that management should recieve a larger share, but 90%+++ is rediculous. Socialistic capitalism is the answer.
Vi what is it that Hugo Chavez has done that is so evil? As far as I know he made Venezuelans wealthy. Unless the documentary I watched was wrong. And it very well may have been.

Check this site out. This is very complete and accurate assessment of Chavez:

Its not surprising why the ultra-left idolizes the guy. Same reason they idolize Castro, Che' and Stalin.


Long, but extremely descriptive. Good find.
Socialistic capitalism is the answer.

I'll respond to this humor right after I finish eating this steaming hot still frozen pizza.
Anytime a leader helps his constituency (people), Vi claims they are no good commies. Socialistic capitalism is the answer.

Med ...

I live in state where the state legislature has taken your misguided political principles to heart ... with disastrous results.

Here in Commiefornia, we have the highest income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, business tax and corporate tax in the nation. With the new tax proposals being offered by the CommieDems who run our state legislature, we will have a tax rate equal to the western socialist states in Europe. The result? Businesses and their employees are leaving the state in droves.

In spite of our record tax rates, we have a massive budget deficit with no way of balancing it short of raising taxes yet again. Unlike the federal government, the states are not allowed to print more money, so raising taxes is the only answer. Well, not the only answer, but the CommieDems would never consider eliminating some of their socialistic programs. Hey, in Commiefornia, we are spending 150 million a year of the taxpayer's money for college tuitions for foreign students ... like illegal alien students. Go figure.

Have you ever considered what will happen when there are no producers left to milk?

Med ...

I live in state where the state legislature has taken your misguided political principles to heart ... with disastrous results.

Here in Commiefornia, we have the highest income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax, business tax and corporate tax in the nation. With the new tax proposals being offered by the CommieDems who run our state legislature, we will have a tax rate equal to the western socialist states in Europe. The result? Businesses and their employees are leaving the state in droves.

In spite of our record tax rates, we have a massive budget deficit with no way of balancing it short of raising taxes yet again. Unlike the federal government, the states are not allowed to print more money, so raising taxes is the only answer. Well, not the only answer, but the CommieDems would never consider eliminating some of their socialistic programs. Hey, in Commiefornia, we are spending 150 million a year of the taxpayer's money for college tuitions for foreign students ... like illegal alien students. Go figure.

Have you ever considered what will happen when there are no producers left to milk?

Vi, your troubles started with Reagan and his no tax policies. The state deficits climed out of control because any successive governor was afraid to raise taxes, sort of like Bush has done to the US. Taxes are a necessary evil. they are needed to pay for the things we take for granted, paveds streets street lights, cops, firemen. dams, bridges infrastructure etc. When a politician yells no new taxes and shit starts falling apart, then someone has to pay the piper, In this case it is you and your fellow ca. residents, just like the federal will be all of ours. Taxes must be raised to pay for Bushes 8 fucking years of insane fiscal policies. The more you make, the more you pay, get over it. There are probably many millions of people that could have a great living off of just what you pay in taxes, let alone what you get to keep.
Vi, your troubles started with Reagan and his no tax policies.

Sorry Med, but once again your skewed politics is showing.

Commiefornia doesn't have a tax problem, it has a spending problem. There is so much waste and fraud in California politics it isn't funny anymore. I'm including the cities here too. We have cities that are going bankrupt where firemen are making over 200k a year. State worker unions and their pensions are rock-star expensive. The state legislature throws money around like they own it or something. We have liberal fascism coming out of our ears here ... and the results are a bankrupt state. Project this upon the entire country and we'll have your O'Bama Utopia in spades ... (no pun intended).

you were, at the very least you were miffed.

~lol~ ... So, at least I get the reduction from "insulted" to just "miffed." :mrgreen:

Yes, I am miffed ... but let's change that to really pissed off.

Here's the latest: The state legislature has a bill pending that would place a tax on paper grocery bags. That's right, Dank ... paper grocery bags! Each bag you use to bag your groceries will be taxed twenty-five cents. The estimated cost to each Commiefornia family will be $400.00 per year. What's next?
