Advice from the Pros.

Ok so im just in the research part of the grow right now. I have never grew anything but im starting with greenhouse seeds Auto bomb. I made a 2'x2'x3' box with an intake and exhaust fan. I will be having 2 6500k 75w cfls and 2 2700k 23w bulbs on 20/4. I will be using fox farm ocean forest as my medium. I will also be using the grow big liquid plant food for my nutes. If anyone has any opions and or thinks i should change something please let me know.


Well-Known Member
sounds like your off to a good start

maybe a little perilite mixed in with the soil, and maybe a 50/50 mix of the fox farm soil and a soiless pro mix for thier seedling stage (fox farm can be too hot for some strains and burn, using a 50/50 mix of FFoF and pro mix will reduce the amount of available nutrients to the tender seedling.)

once you do the first transplant usually out of the solo cup (plant should have about 3-4 nodes) then it should be fine to handle the straight FFoF and you can ditch the pro mix if you want, or you can keep mixing it and make that expensive soil last a bit longer, up to you.


Well-Known Member
If you step it up right with your soil and pots you should nave no need to add nutes till a few weeks into flower. Start in a small cup. Move up to the next size add fresh soil. Few weeks later repeat till your in your final pot. Once you see nute deficiency that's when you add food. Will save you money and won't burn your baby's. And with that size room and cfl you better learn how to SCROG. That will maximize your yield and keep plants short.
well auto flowering plants its better to leave in the final pot. atleast that is what i have researched. but im putting them in 2gallon buckets idk what pot yet but i will figure that one out.
I have another quick question i already bought fox farm grow big. i was wondering if i should buy the fox farm trio for my nutes. its not that expensive but its my first grow so idk what you guys think.


Well-Known Member
Just use grow big, Tiger bloom, and Big bloom for your first grow untill you get the swing of things than add in the soluble trio pack. The main reason i suggest this is because you wont be able to read your plants flowering cycle and it is very easy to overdue it with the soluble's. Running autos you wont have clones to pull from to experament with untill you get your feeding schedule on point.


Well-Known Member
KISS...Keep It Simple Stupid. lol dont take it personal. Yea man get the FF trio its all designed to go together. One piece of advice is DO NOT run the nutes at the level on the bottle. Diff plants feed diff rates. On you first grow i wouldnt even get within 3-5 cc's per/ gal. of what the label says. Say for veg on a 6 week veg cycle youd go
week 1- 25%
week 2- 35%
week 3- 50%
week 4-5- 75%
week 6- 25%
change to flower

You can use the same grade for flowering as well! Start off easy and the next grow you try a tad more, and a tad more, and a tad more! Untill finally you have reached the maxium amount of nutes you can give your plants without burning. At this point you will have mastered FF's nutes for this particular strain. Giving you insight as to how the nnutes perform to certain plant type I.E short bush heavy yield indica's, or long leggy 12 week sativa's. All will come in time