Advice/Help Needed

I have germinated two seeds (one using the paper towel method then transplanted to rockwool and the other straight in rockwool) (both for 4-5 days) and both had the same problem of the stem tilting to the side. The water I used to soak the rockwool and place in the humidome after germination was balanced between 5-6 pH so I know that can not be the problem. I am using fluorescent tube lighting (blue spectrum currently until the plants get a little bigger) and they are about 4 feet above the plants because I don't want to burn the leaves by placing them too close, which I noticed happened to my first seed sprout. Also, the temperature in the grow tent is usually around 78 degrees and the humidity is a bit high, but I read that is okay and will effect the grow a little, but not significantly. Should I turn the fans on already to generate air flow? Should I transplant it now (it has only been a week since it was a seed)? Anyone know any solutions or have had this problem before?



looks like you r drowning your baby there,it needs air also,squeeze bit of your water out an keep good eye on it,


Well-Known Member
for one you gotta move that light way closer 2inches is fine make sure to blow a fan under to help remove some heat thats why you got so much stretch 2 turn that fan on should of had it on since it poped i would say time to start over
Thanks, and yeah I was going to start over, but needed to figure out the problem beforehand. Should I not add an inch to half inch of water to the humidome after day 5 of germination and instead just spray the plant for another 5 days until it is time to transplant or should I just transplant right after day 5 of germination into hydroton or soil?


Well-Known Member
Hey bro I'm new to everything to but for one you don't need to soak them just mist them I would say and make sure the light I'd alot closer , general rule of thumb if u can put your hand next to plant and it's not to warm on your hand the plant should be ok :) always easy to mist your plant lol harder to keep alive after constantly over watering :) download Greg green the cannabis bible I read alot then found that and it explains alot


Well-Known Member
Ok and would you say I should leave the light on 24hrs or 18? I've read info saying 18 and some 24.
What kind of lights do u run ?? I got mine on 18/6 for power save right now lol :) from what I read it's more of a preference thing some say 24 makes em grow faster some say the dark improves roots and growth also so depends on what you want google it more read a few threads on it then decide I would sAy :)
Fluorescent. Ok, appreciate the advice man. One more question, I read that I should wait until the seedlings roots come through the rockwool bottom until I transplant, but is this really necessary or can I just transplant them once I see the leaves sprout?