Advice needed 101!


Alright guys, hopefully some of you can help me since I'm in a bit of a rocky situation.

I havent posted much because Im not much of a talker... but I have been trolling since I've started my latest journey.

Its been a rough few months when I was running a friends house (on a need to know basis on with chemicals etc) was robbed and then shutdown.

I've now started a new project in a new area and have quite a few questions that I have no one around me to ask. So...

I was able to get 3 mothers, which had just been substaining on water from an reverse osmosis system for the time being. I've finally spent a decent chuck of cash and I believe I have everything I need to set up.

Over the last few weeks i've cut about 90 clones from the mothers, and 44 are in pots varying from 1-3-5 gallon pots. with another 30 or so need to be potted(? lol) soon. They are in a 10x8 room, with a 400w mh over them. the temp is varying between 80-85* and fan on them at all times.

When theyre ready to move to my big room it will be - (17x15) with 5 1000w hps + fans , etc.

I'm using a fertilizer from miracle grow (yuck probably right?) but it was the only one that had the highest N ratio. 20-10-10 i believe. mixed with perlite and peat moss.

I have Flora - Micro, Grow, and Bloom which is what I am familiar with using, as well as Superthrive, and Koolbloom. as my chemicals.

I've seen people using the Advance Nutrients Calculator ( But just don't know.... I dont want to risk burning them (so is this recommended?)

I'll be using a 32 gallon reservoir, and feeding every 3 or 4th day as necessary....

Any tips on the soil? or nutrients? Its a bit of a large project and I have searched but havent found the answer I'm looking for. Hopefully ill be posting pictures soon.

Also does anyone wrap their rooms with the reflective film?

And if they is a confusing mess then I'll try to clean it up, or answer your questions the best I can!

thanks in advance for all the help!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i use during veg MG 24-8-16 and guano 8-3-1 fedding every 3 to 4 days ass needed. bloom nutes i use bud blood, big bud, and supper bloom. never haveing any ill affects with this. i do stop useing the 24-8-16 a week be4 flower.


Ahh numbers dont mean much to me? :(

24-8-16 is that the N-P-K? and just mixed with bat guano 8-3-1? is that just a premix?

as far as nutes - what as you mixing for ratios?

also - can you clone plants that are already starting to flower?


Ahh numbers dont mean much to me? :(

24-8-16 is that the N-P-K? and just mixed with bat guano 8-3-1? is that just a premix?

as far as nutes - what as you mixing for ratios?

also - can you clone plants that are already starting to flower?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Ahh numbers dont mean much to me? :(

24-8-16 is that the N-P-K? and just mixed with bat guano 8-3-1? is that just a premix?

as far as nutes - what as you mixing for ratios?

also - can you clone plants that are already starting to flower?
its better to clone while in veg, but yes youcan cut clones in flower. i have as for in as 6 weeks. 24-8-16 is the NPK and yes i mix the guano with it. its all on the pagage, but start out at 1/4 strength and work up.


its better to clone while in veg, but yes youcan cut clones in flower. i have as for in as 6 weeks. 24-8-16 is the NPK and yes i mix the guano with it. its all on the pagage, but start out at 1/4 strength and work up.

thanks so much for your help so far!

what does guano do? or is it just a booster?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
thanks so much for your help so far!

what does guano do? or is it just a booster?
just more nutes for my girls. i will use it during flower the first 30 days in flower with my blom nutes, just the guano. my bloom nutes has no hitregonso the guano during the first part of flower keeps every thing stable.:hump: its just what i do



Well-Known Member
Sound has though you know the score,i would defo cover the bottom 6/7 foot in mylar and the top section in a white reflective plastic.has for the nutrients goe with what you know if you are used of one then stick to it.has for soil goe for one with no addedtives then you have total control over what goes in.70%soil 30% perlite no need for worm castings never bothered with useing them and never will.but i do make sure that the soil that i put in is rubbed between my hands that way if there is anything in there that should'nt be you will find it this also helps the soil become finer.shit by the sounds of the stuff that you are useing this is gonna be a bumper crop.the miricle grow will have everything that is needed in it for the vegging but i would think about adding a little extra nutrients something like big bud/buddy i have used this along with the other and i had no problems.keep the clones well missted with a mix of water and superthrive and get them in a propagator missed the inside of the lid.i would do this 3 times a day.and alls good in the garden peace out.


Sound has though you know the score,i would defo cover the bottom 6/7 foot in mylar and the top section in a white reflective plastic.has for the nutrients goe with what you know if you are used of one then stick to it.has for soil goe for one with no addedtives then you have total control over what goes in.70%soil 30% perlite no need for worm castings never bothered with useing them and never will.but i do make sure that the soil that i put in is rubbed between my hands that way if there is anything in there that should'nt be you will find it this also helps the soil become finer.shit by the sounds of the stuff that you are useing this is gonna be a bumper crop.the miricle grow will have everything that is needed in it for the vegging but i would think about adding a little extra nutrients something like big bud/buddy i have used this along with the other and i had no problems.keep the clones well missted with a mix of water and superthrive and get them in a propagator missed the inside of the lid.i would do this 3 times a day.and alls good in the garden peace out.
As far as the big bug - are you just following directions on the container? I know..probably a stupid question but oh well :D

And what is a bumper crop? Sorry, havent picked up the lingo yet lol.

I have also heard about people switching pots/soil for veg/flower stage.. is this recommended?

So, get rid of the peatmoss and just stick to soil/perlite?

and mixing ST with the misting water? I've never heard of that but will definitely try....spray young clones with that as well?

I'm using Neem Oil for my bugs... diluting it with water and spraying 3 times a week. Anyone use something different for mites / bugs?

I've heard of mylar / reflective film, so I will definitely be picking some up today.... thanks! Mylar on the bottom and reflective plastic along the walls?


Also, I just found this from a post from Earl (who seems pretty experienced..!)

1. The Add Back Rule : Once you have replenished the original rez volume with fresh water, then it is time to change out the rez with fresh water and new nutes.

Never add nutes between nute changes,
until you have experience with the nutrients you are using,
and then you must have a tds meter.

Add fresh water once or twice a day to maintain the rez volume.

Do not adjust the pH before adding water to the rez.

Most of the time you will find that adding fresh water to top off the rez, will bring the pH back to normal range.

Check the pH and adjust if necessary, after adding water to top off the rez.

If you have a 5 gl rez, and you have added 5 gl over the last few days to maintain the rez level at the full mark, then it is time for a complete change out.

Keep and re-fill your plastic jugs to help maintain your add back count.

Doesnt that end up diluting the nutes though, after every addon?

Does anyone do this?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i use 19 gallon pot.i feed every watering up to the day i start my bloom nutes never useing just plain water in between. a week be4 i switch over to 12/12 i stop all veg nuts and strt feeding just the bud blood tell the en of the 1st week in flower. then i stop the bud blood and for the rest of the 1st 30 days in flower i mix big bud, supper bloom, and guano up all together feeding every 3 to 4 days or as soil drys. ofter 30 day i stop useing the guano but stilluse the big bud, and supper bloom ph'ing evey time and checking the runout's ph.


i use 19 gallon pot.i feed every watering up to the day i start my bloom nutes never useing just plain water in between. a week be4 i switch over to 12/12 i stop all veg nuts and strt feeding just the bud blood tell the en of the 1st week in flower. then i stop the bud blood and for the rest of the 1st 30 days in flower i mix big bud, supper bloom, and guano up all together feeding every 3 to 4 days or as soil drys. ofter 30 day i stop useing the guano but stilluse the big bud, and supper bloom ph'ing evey time and checking the runout's ph.

you're checking the run off ph as well? for what reasons? to make sure theyre taking in all the nutes? I'm keeping ph at around 7.1... is that too high?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you're checking the run off ph as well? for what reasons? to make sure theyre taking in all the nutes? I'm keeping ph at around 7.1... is that too high?
if you don't check you could posably get a salt build up on the root with in turn will not be able to pull anything in. this is called root lock out. soil ph should be around 6.0 to 6.5.:hump: