Advice needed!!! First time growing from seed

been growing with autopots for a while now using cuttings from a cheese mother we got. alls been good and still loving the cheese bongsmiliehowever wanting a bit of a change ordered the following seeds:
  • blueberry
  • pineapple chunk
  • tangerine dream
  • super lemon
  • ice cream
  • big buddha blue cheese
i was quite set on following my Grow bible on planting my seeds and have the greatest confidence in it, but after reading a number of threads in the forums decided to ask

what methods people prefered?


any cheeky bits of advice for growing from seed for the first time?

looking to keep the plants as mothers so any advice would be greatly appreciated

:eyesmoke:happy smoking


Here is my easy germination process:

1. Put water on a scottowel
2. Put seeds on the scott
3. Put the scott in a ziploc
4. Wait 48 hours to 72 hours until they pop
5. Plant seeds in soil letting the seed cap equal or few mms under the soil (The "root" who is out of the germinated seed need to be down in the soil)

I have 100% success with that.

Uber Newb

Active Member
I am on my first grow myself so take this with a grain of salt... (I might have just got lucky)

1) I took a glass of water and let it set for 24hrs on the kitchen sink with a paper towel covering it. (Heard this is supposed to let the chlorine in the water evaporate and keep dust and shit from getting in the water?)
2) Dropped the seeds in the glass and let them sit for a few hours.
3) Soaked three Jiffy Peat Pellets using the water in the glass.
4) Put the pointy end of the seed facing towards the bottom of the Jiffy Pellets about 3/4in down and pushed some of the peatmoss over them.
5) Put the pellets into a small tubberware container with the lid, covered with a cloth, and placed in a warm area.

Three days later I had seedlings. So far using this method I am at 100% germination rate. I did three myself this way and two for a friend. All germ'd

Good Luck!
a number of threads advise submersing the seeds in water wereas others advise to put them straight into the moist tissue paper? does anyone know the advantage/disadvantages of this? and the best way of germinating the seeds? preferably uk methods :-)