Advice Needed On Planting Late

I will not be home till the 6-11 of June, so I will not be able to start my outdoor grow till then. I am going to be using grow bags coated with spin out filled with a mixture of 75% Roots Organic soil, 25% perlite and 1 tablespoon dolomite lime per gallon. I am 45 degrees north.

Here is where my questions comes in, I have three.

Since I am planting late would it make more sense to get 5 or 3 gallon bags? Would my plants be able to take advantage of the extra space even if they are being planted late?

Further would it even make sense to use nutes since I am planting in fertilized soil anyways and there will be a shorter time for my plants to use it up?

Lastly, I have calculated my total cost including, soil, bags, seeds, pest/animal protection, etc. to come out to about $275-300 (About $18-$20 per plants). Is it possible to get a return on this? I am planning on planting 15 plants, 5 Holland's Hope, 5 Cheese, 5 Train Wreck, all are feminized. I am not asking about optimal conditions, I know there will probably be a few hermies, a few plants might die, etc. But is it reasonable to expect more than an oz? I am not planning on dealing, so I am not trying to make money. But I would like to get at least an equivalent weight to what I would pay for on the streets.

Thanks for reading and any advice you are able to give me.
Outdoors you should defintely get a oz per plant. Good Luck
Thanks for the reply. I hope that ends up being the case.

Anyone able to tell me if my plants will have long enough to take advantage of nutes or a larger grow bag even if they are being planted late?


pot scott

Well-Known Member
I'd plant straight into ground if possible that way the roots are not limited on their growth, but if u must use bags, just use 5 gal. Just do some lst on ur plants as well to increase ur yield.
I'd plant straight into ground if possible that way the roots are not limited on their growth, but if u must use bags, just use 5 gal. Just do some lst on ur plants as well to increase ur yield.
I would rather plant in the ground, but the soil here is clay. Thus why I am using grow bags.