advice needed on room ventilation

hey all,

Say one were to attempting to ventilate a 140 sq.ft. closet with a 200 cfm can/fan located on the ceiling unloading in to the attic and a 2x2 vent located on the lower portion of the door. Would this adequately ventilate, cool, and eliminate odor? The closet would be located inside of a bathroom directly 5 feet in front of an open window with a box fan sucking air into the room. The HID would be a 400w CMH inside a sunleaves pulsar. It would ventilate the room in 5 min and have extra to cool the light according to the math, but according experienced growers would this be sufficient? The house is not air conditioned either and the temp outside goes from 70's at night to high 80's in the day. Should one make the jump to a 400 cfm can/fan or would 200 work? Again odor and temps are my main concern. Any other tips/pointers/comments? Thanks alot guys. All of you here at rollitup seem to be a great bunch and always willing to help out a novice.
Be careful using the house vents, your whole house could start stinking(mine was bad). I just made a carbon scrubber from the following post and it works AWESOME! I had a hard time keeping my temps down so I put a fan pointed strait at the glass from the hood. Still kind of hot so I had to keep AC going in my room 24hrs. The 200 fan should be alright if you play around a little bit.


I would go big on the fan and then dial it down if its too much(never too much air just too much noise.)
Without some kind of filter the attic will smell so i hope that is part of your plans.
Lastly, the only way the filter is going to work is if it gets the chance to treat ALL the air. If the fan your using is not big enough to create negitive pressure in the closet than the smell will leak into the house. The 2x2 intake might be a little too big to create the pressure that you need for that so.......if it's not already there make it smaller to start and go bigger if needed. If it is there already than you may have to block some of it off

Biggest thing to remember. The fan will not make the intake air any cooler so if the air in the bedroom is already at 85f its going to hotter still in your closet
Good luck