Advice needed please


Right at the moment i got a closet its around 6 square feet inside, and i have also got some CFL's they are 18w/100w 6400k at 1040 lumens each, i have 6 of these & i also have 4 20w 2700k at 1200 lumens each

Now i was going to use 6 of the 18w and 2 20w for veg this brings me to around 8640 lumens total. Is this enough for 2 plants with pretty good yield (obv not the best but yano) it comes to about 2000 lumens per sq ft or something i think.

Or should i purchase a bit larger grow tent and get a HID light & wud a 250w light be sufficient enough for say a 1.2m x 1.2m x 2m tent ? Because the CFLs are so hard to find in uk and are expensive too.

Help needed asap please !! and its for soil grow


Well-Known Member
i don't mess around with CFLs but if you have the resources and want a bigger yield go for HID

250w might be short, i use 250w for a 2.5ft X 3ft flowering room, so maybe 400w or 600w


Well-Known Member
well, i'm not too sure. like i said i'm not into cfls, i'm sure you'll get two plants growing under that but i can't say how big they'll get or how good of a yield. what i can tell you is 30w of florescent light per square foot is what you need for vigorous growth