Advice needed!!


Currently got some Berry Bombs they are supposedly an 8 weeks strain. I got 5 gallon buckets with Fox Farms (Ocean Forest). I am running a 600w temps are pretty good 70-80F and always feedings PH to 6.5. Nutrients are Botanicare Bloom/Liquid Karma/Sweet/Calmag. I water them every 4 days with full nutes:

Per 2 Gallons

45ml Bloom
10ml Calmag
20ml Liquid Karma
30ml Sweet

They have always been running great with the full nutes they have been loving them till lately. Seems like on might be Mag deffiecieny which is wierd since i use calmag. And the other seems like it has a Nitrogen Def. I am currently 32 days from the 12/12 switch so i assume roughly 4 weeks left. Please let me know if there is anything i can do i rather not flush the plants at this stage or do anything drastic if i can possibly just water with plain water next time. Or is this just completely normal.NOT SURE THATS WHY IM ASKING LOL. Also added some bud porn had to hold stems up as weight is becoming an issue not a bad oneIMG_0211[1].jpgIMG_0210[1].jpgIMG_0209[1].jpgIMG_0208[1].jpgIMG_0207[1].jpgIMG_0206[1].jpgIMG_0205[1].jpg


Active Member
No expert here but, they look fine to me. Lot's of folks say less is more when feeding nutes. The leaves sure look green enough to me. Giving enough N from where i'm sitting. I feed, water, then do it again. I'd give them just water next round.


I was also thinking the same thing here just wanted to hear some experienced thoughts. I was planning on just watering with sweet and cal/mag

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Deffinately overfeedi.g. I dont use that much nutes with promix, let alone soil. Check your ph runoff, its likely low. If you dont want to flush, which you should, give it only water next time, maybe next 2 times. Also, cut your additive dose in half. Seriously.


I usually check the runoff and I was getting a bit lower like 5.8-6.0 which from what I researched is fine. Do you think flushing would better then just trying to just few it water the next time which is today? I'm basically just not trying to stunt it's growth especially at a critical time like now 4 - 5 weeks in


Active Member
Listen to Filthy Phil. Give her enough water to see a decent runoff at the bottom of the pot. See how she looks the next day. Go from there.