Advice on drying

Wtf actually reads fine and if something is 10% of something there is no 90% its just a reference to weight or mass :-)

After wet bud lost 90% of <whatever> the remaining organic matter is still 10%? According to your statement dried bud is 10% organic plus 15% water for a total of 25% material. And what's with the rest 75%? Gone out of the equation. This is not a proper way of doing percentage values. A percentage value always refers to the 100% total that's there, not including stuff that were already lost! If you add up all percentage values and the outcome isn't 100% then that's an error.

I think I just heard Newton moan in his grave (and Maxwell turned around 3 times) ^^
No offense ment though. The way you paraphrase it makes it look as if cold/heat is some sort of opposite when in fact it's just different faces of the same thing (temperature).
I agree with the rest of what you said on drying/curing though.

Yeah, if you smell something, that something is lost. However, the stuff our nose detects is very very tiny. Things can smell for a long time w/o the source of smell loosing significantly mass.

The only idiot in this thread is you.

The great hashmakers of Marocco, Afghan, Lebanon (et al) do totally lack the manpower/infrastructure to properly cure buds. They also deliver a completely different product so it doesn't make sense at all to do a cure on their part. Their plants trichome profile is all amber (and decarb'ing as a part of turning kief into hash will actually further increase the transition of THC into CBN).
Most don't hang weed to dry - they let it dry on the field and simply store in barracks und subsequently turn it into kief.

Hash makes you tired.
Weed can (and should IMO) be uplifting (but that's entirely dependant on the strain's genetic plus personal preferred trichome profile (ie. mostly clear - mostly cloudy - mostly amber) = (only uplifting - balanced - couchlocking)

However, there are also different ways to do hash (eg. Nepalese/pollum/skuff/ice etc pp can also be initially uplifting) and so on and so forth.

So you know about Thai weed? I'm impressed. Because in the other thread you boasted about "hundreds of harvests" you brought home.... May I ask how old are you? Because it's not possible to do more than 5 harvests per year, but 3-4 times is more common. However, a true Thai-Sativa will take 120-140 days to show amber trichomes plus add 4-5 weeks if you go from seed until maturity sets in. You can only bring 2 such harvests annually home. You must be over 100 years old.

You know who uses your method for drying weed? The Mexican drug cartels, and basically alot of criminal or commercial growers because it's convenient and a good way to counter mold. They sell their stuff fast so it won't matter that the product will turn dusty after a year.

A true cannabis connoiseur however invests some additional time so his buds get even better after 6 months, and won't taste so harsh. And is also more healthy because of less nitrate/chlorophyll. And if vaccuumed and stored close to freezing in the dark will last a lifetime.