Advice on Micro-Cultivation & Sales?

Joint Monster

Well-Known Member
I would like to apply for a Micro-Cultivation and Sales licence. (I do have experience growing, processing, working at scale for others, etc.)

Do you basically pay the fee's, and fill out the forms? Or would you recommend paying a consulting agency who's gone through the process already?

I would like to produce medical marijuana for other patients, and work with other cultivators/processors.

If anyone has gone through the process or knows someone who has, and has any advice, I would be very appreciative.
Getting my popcorn ready... Dont know how much you've looked into this, seeing as your asking, probably not much. You'll need at least half a mill to build a compliant facility. Thats not including the land where you have to have zoned for cannabis production. If not zoned good luck getting rezoned. If you want to hire a consultant I believe they run 25-50K. And with the new rules you need to have your building fully constructed before applying.
Getting my popcorn ready... Dont know how much you've looked into this, seeing as your asking, probably not much. You'll need at least half a mill to build a compliant facility. Thats not including the land where you have to have zoned for cannabis production. If not zoned good luck getting rezoned. If you want to hire a consultant I believe they run 25-50K. And with the new rules you need to have your building fully constructed before applying.
110% correct!
It's called IG, and just post some solid pics whatcha got, write "no sales, email for donations" on your profile~ Et voila, lol~

The government has its head so far up its ass as to how it has managed "legalization". I would say it's funny, but in reality, it's just very very SAD. I recently watched a panel of Canadian market "experts" discussing how legalization has gone one year after the big day, and one of the points they brought up was that the government of Ontario claims they are actually LOOSING money after they legalized the erb. That tells you right there that they need to give their heads a fucking shake. The "legal" market as it stands now, is bunch of douchebags looking at the dollar signs, investing millions into these huge warehouse grows with machine trimmed garbage, no retail stores, whilst effectively attempting to push all of the growers and aficionados that literally created the maket, out of it. All the while the "illegal", lol, "black market" growers and retailers are absolutely killing it.

They have reaped EXACTLY what they have sown imo, and until they take their blinders off, embrace those who literally created the market, set the regulations to a point where "regular" people can afford to set up grows and sell their products, the black market will continue to thrive, and the huge greed machines will continue to flounder.

Not everyone shops for their Sunday's best at WALMART, although some folks may (no diss intended, I think), but that is what the government, and the corporate pot-nauts mentality equates to when it comes to production and sale of POT :D...

They actually lost money? MIND FUCKING BLOWN!
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Getting my popcorn ready... Dont know how much you've looked into this, seeing as your asking, probably not much. You'll need at least half a mill to build a compliant facility. Thats not including the land where you have to have zoned for cannabis production. If not zoned good luck getting rezoned. If you want to hire a consultant I believe they run 25-50K. And with the new rules you need to have your building fully constructed before applying.
or just continue on like we have been for ever :) lol
The "legal" market as it stands now, is bunch of douchebags looking at the dollar signs, investing millions into these huge warehouse grows with machine trimmed garbage, no retail stores, whilst effectively attempting to push all of the growers and aficionados that literally created the maket, out of it. All the while the "illegal", lol, "black market" growers and retailers are absolutely killing it.

uhuh :idea::clap::weed:
Getting my popcorn ready... Dont know how much you've looked into this, seeing as your asking, probably not much. You'll need at least half a mill to build a compliant facility. Thats not including the land where you have to have zoned for cannabis production. If not zoned good luck getting rezoned. If you want to hire a consultant I believe they run 25-50K. And with the new rules you need to have your building fully constructed before applying.

That's for Standard Cultivation Licencse (Over 2500sqft. - like a large scale facility) No? They're much more strict with it. (ie: live/monitored security surveillance)

I was asking about a Micro-Cultivation Licences ( Under 2500sqft.)? (ie: you do not have to have security guards like a Standard Cultivation License.)
I think his point is that the industry WANTS GUYS LIKE YOU only to see you fall apart when prices fall off the map,,,
this industry.....the way they have it going...will fail ..hands down!
you still need to be SET UP AND GOING before they will even look at you...??!!!:idea:

Heres an idea... Do yer own thing and dont worry about being caught..4 plants..400 or even 4000 ..who is counting?
I would like to apply for a Micro-Cultivation and Sales licence. (I do have experience growing, processing, working at scale for others, etc.)

Do you basically pay the fee's, and fill out the forms? Or would you recommend paying a consulting agency who's gone through the process already?

I would like to produce medical marijuana for other patients, and work with other cultivators/processors.

If anyone has gone through the process or knows someone who has, and has any advice, I would be very appreciative.
Myself I wouldnt bother jumping through the hoops. I would just go buy a script for as much as you could get and set up shop. At least the grow is legal but you need to get creative with the accounting.
That's for Standard Cultivation Licencse (Over 2500sqft. - like a large scale facility) No? They're much more strict with it. (ie: live/monitored security surveillance)

I was asking about a Micro-Cultivation Licences ( Under 2500sqft.)? (ie: you do not have to have security guards like a Standard Cultivation License.)
Nope thats micro. Have a buddy going through it right now. In terms of security ya its less intensive for micro, still have to have a facility built before applying. If I had the cash I would just set up a 100 lighter, fuck it.