advice on pollen and seedlings


after doing some research and not finding much i was wondering if some one may have some advice. lets say some moron starts a grow with just 1 plant not knowing a lot at all. turns out to be a male and decides to let it mature, keep the pollen to use with a 2nd grow.

so my question is if putting some seedlings for a new grow in the same area as the male will it pollinate or influence their sex? and do banana peels aid the plant in becoming a female? i've read a few places that the potassium influences them to be females


Well-Known Member
I've read some of that stuff too, and my own opinion, is that you can't change the sex of the seed - it is what it is. If you leave a mature male in there then yes, he will pollinate the females (but not before they're sexually mature). If you don't want random pollination, I suggest harvesting the pollen, and getting rid of the male.

Single White Pistol

Well-Known Member
I've read some of that stuff too, and my own opinion, is that you can't change the sex of the seed - it is what it is. If you leave a mature male in there then yes, he will pollinate the females (but not before they're sexually mature). If you don't want random pollination, I suggest harvesting the pollen, and getting rid of the male.
Aren't seeds sexless? I thought you could influence the outcome in your favor by cooler temperatures, less hours of light per day, high humidity, more blue light......

I've tried to do all these whenever I plant seeds and I seem to get an average of 7 or 8 out of 10 girls in my last 7 grows. I mean, if you can't change or influence the sex of a seed, it would be safe to say you had a 50/50 chance male to female? But that's not my experience at all. Not once have I gotten more males than females.

Never heard of the banana thing except for your compost bin.

And I would clean the area where your male plant was harvested as best as I could before regrowing there. I've never had a problem with that though. I've harvested seeds out on my balcony and let the wind take care of the pollen naturally. I have 4 girls out there right now and one is in 5th week flower. I hope I can get a seed out of her, but there's been no interference which is great.


Well-Known Member
Aren't seeds sexless? I thought you could influence the outcome in your favor by cooler temperatures, less hours of light per day, high humidity, more blue light......

I've tried to do all these whenever I plant seeds and I seem to get an average of 7 or 8 out of 10 girls in my last 7 grows. I mean, if you can't change or influence the sex of a seed, it would be safe to say you had a 50/50 chance male to female? But that's not my experience at all. Not once have I gotten more males than females.
I see what you're saying, and I've heard the arguements for. But if that was the case, most growers with the proper environment would be getting most, if not all, females - and it doesn't happen that way. I think you've been lucky.;-)


Well-Known Member
i would just shake the branches into a papper bag and keep the pollen for the next grow , but i have heard it only lasts 2 weeks unless u freeze it, i also believe what doeyed is saying , that plants sex's are decided b4 the sprout its all about genetics and therfore in my only little crazy mind i have thought the reason why people get more females then males is because it only takes 1 male to pollenate HEAPS of female plants there for less males are required for many females to seed, but as i said thats just how i think the world works...


Well-Known Member
a plants sex is predetermined and cannot change by tryin to provide the best enviroment for growin. it can however go hermie if u stress it but never fully change sex. and thers no way to influence sex by doin any of that


thanks for all the help... the pollen will be saved once its mature, and that was my first indoor ive had many successful outdoor grows however i notice now to be more obsessed with its care because i see it pretty damn often