advice on seed strains


Well-Known Member
hey guys i was just curious on seeds.

baisicly i am growing white widow at the min by nivarna.

i did a grow of white widow in greenhouse seeds a while back and they seemed to have a bigger yeild and looked stronger if that makes sence

what i want to know is does useing diferent seed banks make a difference?

i am thinking of going back to greenhouse and growing ww with them?????


Well-Known Member
its all about genetics... even the same seed company can produce two different phenotypes of offspring seeds off of one plant that had prior genetic traits that were either indica dominant or sativa dominant...

so what that means is even for them it is a percentage game and they know that they will not always get 100% the same result all of the time ;)

its generally what you prefer and how you grow which will determine which seed company you like to use seeds from, what growing environment they used in their plant mating process so you can either mimic it to get more consistent results i.e. indoor or outdoor set up and atmospheric conditions that will best suit your growing set up...

This is important to know how they grow and what environmental factors they (insert seed company) use to grow their seeds because those seeds have a "memory" of info and are preconditioned to grow best under those conditions they have been so used to generation after generation and so on and so forth ;)

then eventually you should experiment and create your own seeds and genetic line of plants... and really anyone with enough growing time can create their own kick ass strains that way you wont have to keep buyin seeds and just keep a seedstock of your own seeds that have their own best genetics ;)


Well-Known Member
yea thanks for that. how can i create seeds using only females? i heard you can spray something on them so they dont need a male. is that correct or do i need a males pollen to make seeds?


Well-Known Member
? i heard you can spray something on them so they dont need a male. is that correct or do i need a males pollen to make seeds?
both are correct, spraying with freshly made colloidal silver will produce a flower with female pollen giving you feminized seed, NOT FOR A NOVICE.
Much easier to grow reg.seeds and pollinate with the best male in the batch. (You can make canna butter with males BTW they DO contain THC)
Almost every seed company that makes old school strains like WW have different genetics in them. ONLY Mr Nice who is the original breeder has the real deal for legal reasons he has renamed it to Black Widow (long story)
If you were going to buy new seeds anyways then go for the real deal.