Advice on stretching


Active Member
seedlings have been doing well but overnight the plant and one other seedling for some reason there stems have grown dramaticly id say grown half an inch taller even though they are being kept about an inch below my 250w cfl
any advice?


Active Member
as long as the light is the correct distance then chill,you could even stake the tall stem with a chopstick and cotton, you can adjust the depth when you transplant... imho


Active Member
Yep, get a nice stiff breeze on them and it should toughen it up a bit. I'm always finding when the night time temps are as cold as mine seedlings stretch too much, some will always be stretchier than others but that's just down to genetics. An inch seems pretty damn close though... you should be about 3" off the tops.


Active Member
Well if you don't, buy a small fan that will help thicken the stem and keep pests away, if you do simply bury around 30% - 60% of the stem in soil it won't rot it will simply sprout roots


Well-Known Member
if some of the plants are growing drastically taller than the others and an even canopy is becoming an issue than give the plants that are taller some "hammer" by Future harvest development which will stunt the plant from growing to tall, not only that but it will help with internode spacing and help create a more bushier plant. Humbolt has a product called bushmaster that does the same thing. however, its not as a clean product product like hammer is. bushmaster will create more stress to the plant and u are suppose to flush it back out about 6 hours after using it because it just not a safe product to use like hammer is.


Well-Known Member
and yes get a fan if u dont have one already, that will toughen them up if your plants are flimsy, thin, and fallen over. also, it wont hurt to put some silicate in your feeding schedule which will strengthen the cell tissue in your plant which will help with the thin flimsy plant u got. it also helps with any environmental stress that your plant may have. silicate is an under rated nutrient that many people dont use or dont know about. advanced nutrients, botanicare,dutch master, and humbolt nutrients all have a silicate additive bottle u can purchase