Advice on the Plant

The leaves on my plant have curled downwards, and turning a bit yellow on the younger leaves tips. The older leaves are developing a bit of brown on the ege of the leaves. What can i do to fix this? Ive heard the browning tissue on the sides of the leaves are from heat stress, is this true? and will they return to normal or are they permanently scarred? As far as the curling under, i dont know, they havnt curled any more but theyre not straightening out either. Theres a 3 foot 2 fixture T-8 with 6500k h\o lamps above it, I do have a 18 inch flouro on each side, could this cause them to curl, keeping in mind theyre not bending towards the side lights. Its just lost its perk, its still growing alright though, new shoots are forming nicely and younger leaves seem ok. Also what is the proper Ph level for growing in soil.


Well-Known Member
the down curling brown tips are probably not heat stress, with heat you will often see 'cupping' where the edges of a leaf curl up
good chance you have a bit too much nute in soil, you'll need to tell us what you're using for soil
ph is also a possible problem, for soil 6-6.5 is usually good


Active Member
well the top leafs are pointed up and are healthy. the bottom leaves aren't getting enough light almost looks like it in the shade. they can also be droopy from over watering.


Active Member
yeah that one leaf on the bottom is nute burn. your soil looks to wet, try to give it less water and have it dry out more.
Im using Sta-Green soil mixed with about
1\3 sphagnum moss. The ph is right at 7.
I got the plant out of the previous soil after i noticed it start to sag and brown a little bit, and gave it a fresh mix with some perelite. As far as the bottom leaves looking to be i shade, they arent getting as much light as the canopy but i have lights on the sides, although they are about 6 - 7 inches from either side of it. I gave it a good watering after transplanting it and havnt watered it for 3 days. Nutes- Miracle-gro liquid 8-7-6. Added a little bit of time release 19-8-10, just a little. Give them the liquid once a week diluted into a spray bottle.

Maybe that will help you further help me :-D. Thanks a bunch

Also i was wondering if the curled tips would straigten out eventually?


Well-Known Member
6-7 inches away? too far! pull them in closer, you can be within 1 inch with no burn on a t8
the tips probably won't completely recover, that's how leaf problems go, they will get larger, and probably look better if problems are fixed
don't have good feel for your nute 'load', could be ok, watch how things go for few days
lowering the ph a bit would be good, mary likes 6-6.5


Well-Known Member
Im using Sta-Green soil mixed with about
1\3 sphagnum moss. The ph is right at 7.
I got the plant out of the previous soil after i noticed it start to sag and brown a little bit, and gave it a fresh mix with some perelite. As far as the bottom leaves looking to be i shade, they arent getting as much light as the canopy but i have lights on the sides, although they are about 6 - 7 inches from either side of it. I gave it a good watering after transplanting it and havnt watered it for 3 days. Nutes- Miracle-gro liquid 8-7-6. Added a little bit of time release 19-8-10, just a little. Give them the liquid once a week diluted into a spray bottle.

Maybe that will help you further help me :-D. Thanks a bunch

Also i was wondering if the curled tips would straigten out eventually?
spray bottle? are you foliar feeding? if so, make sure you have read up on it thoroughly - it's a recipe for frying leaves if not done just right
Well the lights on the sides are mounted to the enclosure so itll be hard to movem closer. What would you reccomend as far as nutes go? What is a good way to lower the ph level slightly?


Well-Known Member
Well the lights on the sides are mounted to the enclosure so itll be hard to movem closer. What would you reccomend as far as nutes go? What is a good way to lower the ph level slightly?
well, if lights are locked in, that's probably what you will need to go with, as the plant expands and the leaf gets closer, that may help a bit
nothing wrong with MG, though many will think otherwise, just has to be applied in appropriate amounts
i use organic ferts so not an expert on MG, just don't use more than mixing directions
for ph, 2 ways to go, 1 is ph down - product sold in walmart, nurseries, lots of places
add a bit to water, check ph, then water
the other is to use vinegar(malt is best maybe?) - many seem to have had good luck with vinegar
Cool thanks ill get some ph down asap. I dont really care for MG so what would you reccomend as far as organic nutrients go? Brands or whatnot


Well-Known Member
i can tell you what i used in my last grow, molasses/bone meal tea
this is an unusual nute, so can't really recommend it, it did work well for me, it made by fermenting 1 tsp of molasses in 1 gallon water, ferment for 2 days, then add 1 tbsp bone meal(MG Organic Choice), ferment 3 more days
shake at least once a day to aerate, un-aerated teas are bad
as far as the commercial brands, haven't used them so can't give a good recommend