Advice please - Transferring sproutes seeds to 3" rockwool cubes ?


Active Member

I have cracked/sprouted a couple of seeds in 1" rockwool cubes BUT i can not find much info on the next step of transferring them to larger 3" cubes.

Do i wait for the tap root to show first ? Do i give the 3" cubes feed when i presoak them ??

I have starter Ionic formulex and Roots Excelurator, plus normal nutes...

I want to get a new root system in the 3" cubes before transferring to a bubbler.



Well-Known Member
I use 4" blocks with a hole already cut into them. You have to transplant them into the larger cube now before the roots grow threw the small cubes to have uninterrupted root development. You have to hollow out the center of your 3" blocks, just pick the wool out of the block, and yes, use a light nute solution as it is rockwool, which contains 0 nutes. Hope I have helped.


Active Member
Cheers Jim, the cubes have the correct size hole.

Bit confused by your reply as use a light nute solution that contains 0 nutes ??

What EC do i need ? Should i use Roots Ex or Formulex ??


Well-Known Member
He is saying that the rockwool is a nutrient free medium, it has a PPM of nothing, the ph is a little basic, so you need to put it ins 5.5pH water with something like 1/8 - 1/4 the nutrient amount. This will then make the rockwool the proper pH and slight PPM... here is an estimate i read somewhere and bookmarked

Lady Zandra

Basic "feed guide"
seedling to 3 sets of leaves= no nutes
after 3 sets: next 3 weeks of growth = 0.8-1.2
weeks after that= 1.2-1.3 until flower (big vegging plants)

Flush between veg and flower

1st 2 weeks of 12/12 (or until begin budding)= 1.2-1.3
Week 1-3 of bud= 1.4-1.5
Weeks 3-5 of bud= 1.5-1.7
Weeks 6+ of bud= 1.6-1.8+

PPM ec x 700
140 = 0.2
280= 0.4
420= 0.6
560= 0.8
700= 1.0
840= 1.2
980= 1.4
1260= 1.8
1400= 2.0
1540= 2.2
1680= 2.4
1820= 2.6
1960 = 2.8
2240 =3.2
2520 = 3.4

PPM ec x 500
100= 0.2
200= 0.4
300= 0.6
400= 0.8
500= 1.0
600= 1.2
700= 1.4
800= 1.6
900= 1.8
1000= 2.0
1100= 2.2
1200= 2.4
1300= 2.6
1400= 2.8
1600= 3.2
1800= 3.4


Active Member
Cheers, i nam aware of PH/rockwool etc, just not what to feed newly rooted seeds.

I am just afraid of killing them/overfeed/burn. I have never had nice root systems in 3" cubes so i'm doing something wrong......

The above seems very high to me !!! In my RDWC i never go above 0.8/1.0 in flower !!!!

I have all other parts of grow nailed down ONLY the 3" cube bit, think i ma of been underfeeding them tbh...



Well-Known Member
Cheers, i nam aware of PH/rockwool etc, just not what to feed newly rooted seeds.

I am just afraid of killing them/overfeed/burn. I have never had nice root systems in 3" cubes so i'm doing something wrong......

The above seems very high to me !!! In my RDWC i never go above 0.8/1.0 in flower !!!!

I have all other parts of grow nailed down ONLY the 3" cube bit, think i ma of been underfeeding them tbh...

Underfeeding is IMO better then over feeding. Easier to correct in veg with less reproductions.


New Member
Most of my growers run rock. Here is the schedule I give them at first to get them to understand the cycle. 1 inch cube...100ppm...1 1/2 oz. every day. Once the tap root emerges...150-200ppm...2-3 oz. daily. Once you see new leaf growth with good root production soak 4 inch cubes 24 hrs in a ph of 5.5 and a ppm of 300-400ppm. Plant your inchers carefully, re-balance the solution they were soaking in to 5.8-6.0 and soak the 4 inchers well. They are now in a 3-4 inch cube at the right ph. Same kind of schedule goes for the 3-4 inch cubes before you plant them on a slab or install in a dwc or something like that...Works like clockwork...JAS