Advice Please!

Anubis Toke

Hey guys and gals, I hope you are all having a nice, stoned evening. Cheers to you, as I am not stoned right now... my wallet is hungry for money... yikes! Haha.:wall:

Anyway, more importantly... I wanted to show you all what kind of grow I am doing and I really, truly want to know what you all think of it and I would absolutely LOVE some useful advice!

A couple questions now:
-I have two 55-WATT CFLs (room is lined in mylar).... are my plants getting enough light?
-I spotted a dead bug at the bottom of my plant, could there be more?
-My top leaves, coming from the main bud are curling downward, yet the rest seem to be perking upward? Why?

Any useful tip is immensely appreciated! Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
they're getting enough light.. its just your using very very little of it, therefore your plants are growing very very slowly in response to this.
Easy fix, is to add more light.

I wouldn't worry about the bug issue, unless you actually spot more of them. If you do, then take action.

as for the last issue your having.. I'm not sure what your saying exactly.. so... I'm gonna skip that one.


Anubis Toke

Thanks for the help! I just picked those two up for about $15 each. Quite affordable, I must say! More lighting could be a problem as you can see in the photos, I just rigged them up with chain and over a pole, and all of the weight is hanging from a measly nail! An accident just waiting to happen!


bud bootlegger
yah, i agree, you're going to want to add more light.. and on top of that, you'll also want to get the light much closer to your plant as well.. about an inch or two away is best for cfl's.. one on each side of the plant as well as the one's on the top of them is what i'd be looking to do for best results..

Anubis Toke

Thanks for the tip! I do have a problem though, my husband and I attempted SOG for our first time growing... and well, we did LST on the clearly bushier plant and now it is taller! It's a little hard trying to get the CFLs as close as possible considering one plant will get burned from the light whereas the other will be getting just enough, or if I raise the lights even more, only the taller plant will get enough light and the shorter will suffer!

It's a real pickle!

Anubis Toke

Thanks for the tip, I will invest in something like that once I have more assets, possibly after harvest ;)

I need a way better light system than two bulbs, a bulb splitter, and having them hanging by a chain....


Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals, I hope you are all having a nice, stoned evening. Cheers to you, as I am not stoned right now... my wallet is hungry for money... yikes! Haha.:wall:

Anyway, more importantly... I wanted to show you all what kind of grow I am doing and I really, truly want to know what you all think of it and I would absolutely LOVE some useful advice!

A couple questions now:
-I have two 55-WATT CFLs (room is lined in mylar).... are my plants getting enough light?
-I spotted a dead bug at the bottom of my plant, could there be more?
-My top leaves, coming from the main bud are curling downward, yet the rest seem to be perking upward? Why?

Any useful tip is immensely appreciated! Thanks guys!

Add more bulbs. In the low K spectrum 2700°K-2300°K With Y splitters, yes. Also, a hood would be very helpful, or some sort of reflector. They have them @ Lowes and Home Depot for like 14 bucks each.
Don't worry about the bug, I once found a stale crunchy moth under my leafs on the soil....never could explain that one...if you find more, then yes, deal with it.
And your most likely giving it to much N in flower. Since some strains are sensitive to N in early flower. OR it could also be Low Humidity + High Temps. if your humidity is average, and your temps are within tolerance, below 81ºF. Then it's prob the N, try just watering with pure pHed water for the next couple waterings.

They look a little stretched, but it's just due to lack of light. They'll perk up a bit with additional light. I'd recommend at least doubling, if not tripling your current amount of light.
Good luck man.