ADVICE SOUGHT - Hydro Setup (Nute Burn?? - Pics attached)


Well-Known Member
I have just returned after a week at my folks for the Easter Break & I left my setup in the capable hands of my brother... All I needed him to do was monitor the water levels & possibly adjust the light accordingly. During the week I was away he topped up the reservoir twice with ph balanced water I had left him so the water levels were just below the net pots on the inside of the reservoir. He last topped up the solution on Weds (11th)

When I returned the water level was a good two inches below the net pots so they had drunk a hell of a lot in two days..

My question is as you can see from the pics below that alot of the tips of the leaves have turned brown (esp new growth) I had minor probs with this approx a week to 10 days ago but it stopped as soon as it started & it wasn't really a prob. Does anyone know why this has happened? Is it because as the water is fed to the plants the nute solution becomes more concentrated? I hate to answer my own questions like this, but I am new to this & would appreciate some pro advice.

I purhased a nute truncheon from the bay of e & measured the dissolved nutes etc. & the reading was approx 1000 ppm which I think is OK?

The ph is fine, the lights are approx 2inches from top of plants

Oh yeah.. I use the nutrients below:

My reservoir holds 13 Litres & the nutrient ratio is 2.5ml per Litre of each of the nutrients...should I be using all three? They were germinated on the 16th March (they are WW feminized btw) & were moved into the hydro setup (dwc) on 18th March
I empty reservoir every two weeks & make up a new solution.

Any ideas as to what the discolouration is?????



New Member
Yes, the nute solution becomes more concentrated as the water is evaporated. If you had a PPM meter, you would see that its true.

You can save yourself some money in the future by using only the GH Micro and Bloom. Here's the ratios:

Vegging: 0-5-10. Flowering 0-8-16.

That would be 0 Grow - 5ml Micro - 10ml Bloom. for veggging. For flowering use 0-8-16. Trust me, it works like a champ.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for your advice it is much appreciated...

Are you ratios per Litre i.e 5ml per Litre or 5ml per 10l?
My GH nutrient charts have convlicting ratios.... hence my confusion!

I have a ppm nutrient truncheon which now is reading approx 500ppm as I totally changed the solution as it was way over 1500ppm the other day & used very little nutrients...

How much nutrients do you think my plants need at this stage? what you suggested? & also how long until I can take cuttings do you think? I've read 2 months is safe bet for doing that...

Sorry for all the questions!


Well-Known Member
I just read on Jorge Cevantes Grow Bible that the range for ppm should be between 800 to 1200 ppm does that soun about right for the stage mine are at? Or do they require more or less than that range? -

This ppm, ec, cf, stuff is all a bit mind bending! A bit like the shit I'm growing. Hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Says the man who no one knows..... I dont think your light it too close, i keep my CFL's basically touching my plant.... as long as you can hold your hand there for a good while and not burn, your plants are fine as long as you got some fresh air blowing over them. Floros and CFL dont put out to much heat, and as long as your have good air movement and exchange in your room/cab you should be fine.