Advice to start my big dream

Hello guys, recently a business opportunity came to all of, like most of us, dream to have a small farm where you produce your super quality buds, right? I live in Spain, and I'm thinking of starting a start-up Weed Farm. First of all, I want to produce 60 big plants outdoors, each in an 80-gallon smart pot, but to be honest I don't have enough experience has a grower to start something like this!

Is anyone here who had done it before? Please help me out.

So my plan is to grow 60 big cannabis plants, but my company can't grow just any strain we would like, cause we want it for medical proposes. So we thought of growing only strains with 2% or less THC and high in CBD's, like Charlotte's Web. We would buy the expensive seeds, make 60 clones, make those clones big and transplant them to big 80-gallon smart pots outside. But then some issues came to my head, 60 pots with 80-gallon each it is a lot of soil for the plants. I'm starting a start-up and being the only investor I need to plan ahead all the materials and possible cost for everything. I have loads of questions, and the more I dive in this project, more questions come to me.

1- I want my ladies to grow in super soil with no nutrients, make it as cheap as possible with decent quality as well, how can i do it?

2- I can't find to much information about charlotte's web strain online. What type of issues this strain can make? don't forget we are talking about 80-gallon smart pot outside.

3- As a newbie in growing big outdoor plant, what issues can i expect?

4- As a newbie in running a cannabis business what issues can i expect?

Help me make my dream come true. Peace!
I would go with at least 300 gallon pots for it will pay for its sealf..
I have never heard or seen anyone get 4 lbs. per plant, that's not gonna happen. Good luck
4 pound plants is easey to get outdoors.hell in cal, where it is legal people get 10-12 pound plants every year.I know a person in cal, that onley growed 35 plants and got 350 pounds and that's not counting the hash from the trim.
Hello guys, recently a business opportunity came to all of, like most of us, dream to have a small farm where you produce your super quality buds, right? I live in Spain, and I'm thinking of starting a start-up Weed Farm. First of all, I want to produce 60 big plants outdoors, each in an 80-gallon smart pot, but to be honest I don't have enough experience has a grower to start something like this!

Is anyone here who had done it before? Please help me out.

So my plan is to grow 60 big cannabis plants, but my company can't grow just any strain we would like, cause we want it for medical proposes. So we thought of growing only strains with 2% or less THC and high in CBD's, like Charlotte's Web. We would buy the expensive seeds, make 60 clones, make those clones big and transplant them to big 80-gallon smart pots outside. But then some issues came to my head, 60 pots with 80-gallon each it is a lot of soil for the plants. I'm starting a start-up and being the only investor I need to plan ahead all the materials and possible cost for everything. I have loads of questions, and the more I dive in this project, more questions come to me.

1- I want my ladies to grow in super soil with no nutrients, make it as cheap as possible with decent quality as well, how can i do it?

2- I can't find to much information about charlotte's web strain online. What type of issues this strain can make? don't forget we are talking about 80-gallon smart pot outside.

3- As a newbie in growing big outdoor plant, what issues can i expect?

4- As a newbie in running a cannabis business what issues can i expect?

Help me make my dream come true. Peace!
It would pay you if you need to barrow the money and grow the rite will moore thin pay for itsealf the first crop.listen to the man a buy you some grean houses.IF I could grow legal in ky. I would have big ass pots and big ass grean houses.If you can grow legal grow like him and you will be glad you did when you harvest your first crop and count your
I think your getting carried away...

Listen to what you just said. You have no growing experience. And you want to run a 100,000£ operation? Come on now...

You don't know how to get your seeds past their first week man I'm not insulting its just like u can't just start from absolutely nothing and make 100k big ones your first grow lol like thats so far fetched man especially if your talking buying a greenhouse and 400 gallon pots... Do you know how big a 400 gallon pot is? Bigger than a kids swimming pool. And u want 60 of them.. And u expect "atleast" 4lbs per plant.

You gutta think my friend. I'm a complete noob myself and I can tell your expectations are really high lol

Some seeds die when they're even coming through the soil. From then, any plants can die any day until you harvest them and that's alot of chances to die. Then when you harvest you have to dry it and cure it without your £100k harvest molding, being stolen, being found by police, telling the wrong person etc.

Now let's say you just spent 10,000£ on grow equipment and such to start this. You sprout your seeds and 2 weeks in the cops use FLIR to detect the lamps starting your 60 babies. Or 9 weeks in you get mites that wipe out your crop except for 2 plants. Maybe you actually harvest and someone steals it. Or you don't know the proper way to dry so you go to cure it after thinking it's dry and you come back to burp your jars and you just see green buds and grey fuzz between the spaces from the mold. What if the cops bust down your door and you just spend 10 thousand, lost everything, put you and your brother in jail, got criminal record etc... Alot of shit can happen and it does happen. Even if you get through your first harvest and u get your 100 grand worth of BUDS, how do you plan to get rid of it? You know its not likely you will get a government grand to grow a controlled substance.. And if you think you can just go and sell 100 thousand worth of weed when you dont have some good connects, youre very wrong. All you will have is a fuck ton of weed, no way to sellbud and a greenhouse to grow some more. I don't think you should be spending 10 grand on something you literally have no knowledge about.

Sorry for that buzzkill but your expectations are far fetched. The good news is u can always start small anyways and learn what you need to do so that you will know how to actually grow that ammount of bud if u ever wanted to, because it takes alot of knowledge and skill.
I think your getting carried away...

Listen to what you just said. You have no growing experience. And you want to run a 100,000£ operation? Come on now...

You don't know how to get your seeds past their first week man I'm not insulting its just like u can't just start from absolutely nothing and make 100k big ones your first grow lol like thats so far fetched man especially if your talking buying a greenhouse and 400 gallon pots... Do you know how big a 400 gallon pot is? Bigger than a kids swimming pool. And u want 60 of them.. And u expect "atleast" 4lbs per plant.

You gutta think my friend. I'm a complete noob myself and I can tell your expectations are really high lol

Some seeds die when they're even coming through the soil. From then, any plants can die any day until you harvest them and that's alot of chances to die. Then when you harvest you have to dry it and cure it without your £100k harvest molding, being stolen, being found by police, telling the wrong person etc.

Now let's say you just spent 10,000£ on grow equipment and such to start this. You sprout your seeds and 2 weeks in the cops use FLIR to detect the lamps starting your 60 babies. Or 9 weeks in you get mites that wipe out your crop except for 2 plants. Maybe you actually harvest and someone steals it. Or you don't know the proper way to dry so you go to cure it after thinking it's dry and you come back to burp your jars and you just see green buds and grey fuzz between the spaces from the mold. What if the cops bust down your door and you just spend 10 thousand, lost everything, put you and your brother in jail, got criminal record etc... Alot of shit can happen and it does happen. Even if you get through your first harvest and u get your 100 grand worth of BUDS, how do you plan to get rid of it? You know its not likely you will get a government grand to grow a controlled substance.. And if you think you can just go and sell 100 thousand worth of weed when you dont have some good connects, youre very wrong. All you will have is a fuck ton of weed, no way to sellbud and a greenhouse to grow some more. I don't think you should be spending 10 grand on something you literally have no knowledge about.

Sorry for that buzzkill but your expectations are far fetched. The good news is u can always start small anyways and learn what you need to do so that you will know how to actually grow that ammount of bud if u ever wanted to, because it takes alot of knowledge and skill.

m8 i do have a brother who as more than 10 years experience indoors , i think that is enough. Well, i do have some experience to be honest, but nothing like weed farm man. The investment money will come from the government, and they wont give me shit unless i show them i have all the conditions available to get everything done correctly. This will be a legal operation my brother. I hope now you are less worried! loool
I think your getting carried away...

Listen to what you just said. You have no growing experience. And you want to run a 100,000£ operation? Come on now...

You don't know how to get your seeds past their first week man I'm not insulting its just like u can't just start from absolutely nothing and make 100k big ones your first grow lol like thats so far fetched man especially if your talking buying a greenhouse and 400 gallon pots... Do you know how big a 400 gallon pot is? Bigger than a kids swimming pool. And u want 60 of them.. And u expect "atleast" 4lbs per plant.

You gutta think my friend. I'm a complete noob myself and I can tell your expectations are really high lol

Some seeds die when they're even coming through the soil. From then, any plants can die any day until you harvest them and that's alot of chances to die. Then when you harvest you have to dry it and cure it without your £100k harvest molding, being stolen, being found by police, telling the wrong person etc.

Now let's say you just spent 10,000£ on grow equipment and such to start this. You sprout your seeds and 2 weeks in the cops use FLIR to detect the lamps starting your 60 babies. Or 9 weeks in you get mites that wipe out your crop except for 2 plants. Maybe you actually harvest and someone steals it. Or you don't know the proper way to dry so you go to cure it after thinking it's dry and you come back to burp your jars and you just see green buds and grey fuzz between the spaces from the mold. What if the cops bust down your door and you just spend 10 thousand, lost everything, put you and your brother in jail, got criminal record etc... Alot of shit can happen and it does happen. Even if you get through your first harvest and u get your 100 grand worth of BUDS, how do you plan to get rid of it? You know its not likely you will get a government grand to grow a controlled substance.. And if you think you can just go and sell 100 thousand worth of weed when you dont have some good connects, youre very wrong. All you will have is a fuck ton of weed, no way to sellbud and a greenhouse to grow some more. I don't think you should be spending 10 grand on something you literally have no knowledge about.

Sorry for that buzzkill but your expectations are far fetched. The good news is u can always start small anyways and learn what you need to do so that you will know how to actually grow that ammount of bud if u ever wanted to, because it takes alot of knowledge and skill.
mr, when I was 15 years old I grew 2 acers of pot my fist year.with one other kid and a man telling us what to do we grew it like corn,pot is not hard to grow but hard ass work and mites can be killed out with me its not my first rodeo and he should go in dept if he can grow legal and a million dollars would not be hard for him do to with a little ever sean a 11 acer fild of pot??I have in one fild back in the late 70s.and earley 80s..till the hellcoppers started flying in ky and it still is not leagel in ky..if this man will listen to the jj grower on here he can pull it off the first year and get better every year,rember pot is just a weed.if you can grow a garden you can grow ps..he can and will get better every year..look at some of these grows on here in legal states ..
come to the BBQ
I would love to but there is just no way that I can this year.2017 if iam alive that fall at harvest time brother I WILL BE there if iam not dead,and I sure as hell hope Iam not dead.There is nothing better that I would love to do and that's meet you and your friends next fall.And to go to a legal tell you the truth iam half afread that when I come to meet you all that if I could find a place in the sticks there I would love to grow 1 year in cal. that has been a dream of mine for as long as your state has been love to look at your picters and I been luckering on this site for a long long time befor I joined it..please keep posting picters for I love every one of them..
I got a farm I could grow on legal in Michigan but I got to get a parden first from the govener to be a care giver first and I should get it befor summer is over to get a feloney off my records.i got cought with a monster crop in ky in the earley 80s. A few acers growing and a few tones of cured bud.that was the good old day of my life in ky.
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If your brother is an experienced grower why haven't you asked him these questions? You asked all kinds of noob questions and such which obviously isn't bad because everyone's a noob to start n I'm a noob right now it's just it isn't a noob's place to be trying to grow 100 thousand worth of pot lol..

It is like someone who just started martial arts lessons making serioud plans to be signed with the UFC.. Am I the only one who sees this as a bad thing this guy is trying to do? He's way in over his head he wouldn't be asking these questions if his brother was an experienced grower who has it all figured out in his head I'm sure..

And OP, have you considered the fact that you will need to actually have your shit all in order before the gov will approve your operation? And even then they probably wont. There's a waiting list I'm sure in every country. Also I don't know how it is in Spain but in Canada to have a medical marijuana growing op you need to have insane security as well. Like pharmacy-quality everything needs to be reinforced etc... Are you going to build this expensive facility to grow legally and then hear from the government they don't want to fund it? Because honestly man they're not going to give one of their growing grants to 2 guys with very little knowledge on growing. From the sounds of it you've never germinated a seed before or grew one season so I don't know why you're looking to get 100 thousand dollars in your first year when you haven't put in anything and don't know anybody or anything.. It doest even work like that if you wanted to just sell. Just the selling aspect of your plan doesnt work because the government isn't going to be on board with this I'm 99℅ sure just because they never are and I'm sure it's really hard to get a license for it. So your probs selling your harvests illegally. In which case you need to know people. You can't just go to your weed dealer that u buy 8ths off that you have pounds for him to buy... To get from start to dealing that weight takes alot of time in itself man I'm telling you you're in over your head.. I suggest going and buying 10 or so quality seeds and just give it a go for some personal supply. If you get too much for personal supply sell some but you simply can't expect what you're expecting man it won't happen.. If you do get a permit or whatever and get it all done legally of course it's possible though, if it was legal and you had the startup money you could have a huge warehouse as a flower room and grow 10 million worth its just you don't have the experience to grow the QUALITY or QUANTITY of your goals, and not only that, you dont have connects. You need to know people that buy atleast pounds and shit if youre selling as much as youre going for.. And you don't just offer your dealer to start buying off you, that will piss most of them off, also there is probably somebody they're already getting off of that has more dank stuff at a better price. And I know some people will see me as being an asshole or buzzkill but this isn't gonna happen like you think it is.. Things don't just work like that otherwise there would be alot of rich dealers and growers running around. Believe me everyone has thought to themselves "what if I just grew a fuck ton of weed I would be set for cash forever" but it's not like that and I think anyone on here would agree
I got a farm I could grow on legal in Michigan but I got to get a parden first from the govener to be a care giver first and I should get it befor summer is over to get a feloney off my records.i got cought with a monster crop in ky in the earley 80s. A few acers growing and a few tones of cured bud.that was the good old day of my life in ky.
You had multiple tonnes of bud Huh...
People are misunderstanding me I didn't say it is impossible to grow 100k worth I'm saying for someone to just randomly decide they're going to start growing weed and jump right into it with 60 plants each in 400 gallon smart pots and a greenhouse and shit man come on you DONT know what you're doing and yes you can learn, but when you are growing 60 plants and are buying a greenhouse for them and all this stuff man, that is shit you do AFTER you know what you're doing. You jump right into it with this expectation and you'll be disappointed and probs broke from all the money you lost... Yes guys I know he can learn. Thats my point. He can learn and should definitely do that before going and trying something crazy like this.

By the way have you even considered how much soil you're going to need? 60 x 400 gallons is 24,000 gallons of soil. One cubic yard is 200 gallons, 24k ÷ 200 is 120 cubic yards. Well that might be a problem for you because a dump truck holds bewteeen 10 and 14 cubic yards of soil.. Do you get how much soil this is yet.. And you have to turn and mix all of it by hand and fill all those massive pots. And pay for all that dirt and the dump truck driver to get it to you.. I bet there is more work involved in just setting up your grow location than you thought there would be in the whole year of growing man I'm not saying your stupid or don't grow cus everyone starts somewhere it's just you don't everything about growing to be completely new to you, and start learning with 100 thousand dollars on the line, all I'm saying is your goals are out of whack. Listen here when I started growing I researched my ass off and found out alot about growing. That was before I even started so by the time I started I knew what I was doing. Then after your first crop u kinda get it better because you had first hand experience doing it and from then on I would say go for it. Even if you only had one grow under your belt Id say fuck it and go for it but u sound like u have no experience whatsoever and although it doesn't affect me in any way I think u should learn before you depend on this or expect something crazy to come from it
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