

hey guys so my plant has two sets of 7 now, and its about 14 to 15 inches tall, its set of leaves at the bottom (SET OF 3) has completly died, like, folded up and become dry. (I DIDNT TOUCH IT THO, JUST WATERED AND MOUNDED SOIL UP AROUND STALK UNDER THE DEAD LEAVES)whats happening? and anyway to prevent more leaves from yellowin off and dyin? is this natural?


New Member
Is it the first set of leaves that pop up that don't look like marijuana leaves? They are for food and they die after they're used up.

Are you feeding nutrients? If so you might not need to be yet until flowering if your soil has nutrients in it already


Well-Known Member
if you havent fed nutes yet, and she is 14-15" tal...what are you waiting for? sounds to me like shes mad because she doesnt have any N to grow even more.


nah dude i been feeding for a week and a half almost two and i feed every three days half the recommended in diluted water i was doing 1/4 but i upped it so yeah it isnt that and i dont think they would die off beczause of nute burns right?


Well-Known Member
ya eventually they would, nute burn can also cause lockouts, and deficiencys all over the place...a pic. would do wonders in diagnosing the issue...but if the tips, and points on the margins turn brown, then yellow, then fall off...i;d say nute burnt and flush...but at 1/3 strength i dont know how it happened...soil? and nutes ur using?


MG potting soil, and MG plant food, with high levels of N and i started off with 5 drops of the recommended 20 for the first dosage and worked my way up from there and now im using 7 to 8 drops in a pint of diluted water and sprinkled plants, then put 2 pints of water in the soil today, and some spots on a lot older leaves above those first sets of 3.