Aerated Tea


Active Member
Hey everyone, this is a new account, Long time follower here and mmp. Quick question regarding heating your water for an aerated tea. I have been heating via a heating pad but only for small (6gal.) batches. I'm moving on to more baby's and need to heat more water for their bottles (; what do you guys use and what are your recommendations?? I'm going to need to be heating around 10-20 gallons for a while then potentially more along the road. Thanks for any input! (:

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
Correct me if im wrong but heating the water accelerates population growth when brewing, so, cud you not jus brew unheated water for longer?
I may jus be doing it wrong, but i jus bubble cold ass RO water with whatevers in it for 24hrs and my brew is all foamed up and shit. Smells smooth sweet lol.

Sir KK


Well-Known Member
Brewed for 48 hours and ever used a heating pad. I wouldn't worry about it unless you are brewing in Avery cold environment.


Well-Known Member
yeah id only use heat if the temp was below 70. and if it was, id use an aquarium heater set near the airstone.


Well-Known Member
Correct me if im wrong but heating the water accelerates population growth when brewing, so, cud you not jus brew unheated water for longer?
I may jus be doing it wrong, but i jus bubble cold ass RO water with whatevers in it for 24hrs and my brew is all foamed up and shit. Smells smooth sweet lol.

Sir KK
not wrong but not ideal either :)


Active Member
I generally like to brew for 24 hours. I have multiple brews and more than a day sometimes equipment use overlaps and I'm trying to refrain from buying more pumps etc. I do live in the U.P. It gets pretty damn chilly here, plus my house is relatively old with wood floors and an un-insulated basement. Ill look up various aquarium heaters n see if that will suit my needs. Thanks for the help guys! Happy growin!