aero cloner, shud i mist my clones


Well-Known Member
hello all i got a question for you?as above shud i mist my clones while in the aero cloner i havent got a humidity dome either is this rite? thanks


Well-Known Member
if you live in a humid area i would say that you dont need the dome, if you live in a super dry area like me id say get a dome!


Well-Known Member
I mist while in the vegatative phase, early in the mornings so the lights have time to evaporate the excess water. it helps. never in the flowering phase tho


Well-Known Member
get yourself some large clear plastic cups and use those as your "dome", mabey one for each individual clone, if there small enough to fit inside


Well-Known Member
no dome nessecery if they look wilty or dry then its nices 2 give em a drink maybe 3 times a day in dry climates i would guess..... i only spray about once a day for the first 2-3 days good luck