Aero Garden Taste Test


Well-Known Member
How many haze strains are out their? Or is it only 1 purple haze strain.? And what are my chances coming across some haze seeds from a bigbag of weed? Is it a common strain? Reason i ask is that this bigbag of weed i got taste a little like haze. So i kept the seeds. I plan on useing them on my next grow


Well-Known Member
How many haze strains are out their? Or is it only 1 purple haze strain.? And what are my chances coming across some haze seeds from a bigbag of weed? Is it a common strain? Reason i ask is that this bigbag of weed i got taste a little like haze. So i kept the seeds. I plan on useing them on my next grow
Haze of any kind is not common enough! Fact! :blsmoke:
I would say if you find seeds in your bag you are not dealing with good growers, unless you are coping a great deal and even then you would know it as such.


Well-Known Member
When i say bigbag of weed i dont mean a nick. I'am talking weight. You never know. People do strange things sometimes. Never know what you're going to get out here.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
You shouldn't use bag seed as a general rule. I'm sure a lot of people disagree but the facts as I understand it are like this. Good growers kill the male plants off or use a cloned female to keep pollen from reaching the female plants. If no pollen is around then how did that seed get in your bag of weed? Well apparently one or more of the plants became a hermaphrodite and pollinated the females. These seeds you shouldn't use because if my understanding is correct then they will produce more hermies since they are hermie seeds. Also genetically the seeds suck because they were produced as a last ditch effort to continue survival or some shit like that. So make another thread about whether to use bag seed or not and I'm sure you will get some better educated responses than me. I'm a noob so I am only repeating what I have read up on.


Well-Known Member
I grew some shit way back when and used the same fan in my new grow room. During my last grow through my ignorance I had 2 males. The pollen must have imbedded itself in the fan or some crevice somewhere. I used the fan on my last grow and found a total of 10 seeds in the plant. Wasn't a hermie. So you never know.


Well-Known Member
What percentage of hermaphrodite seeds can you get out of 1 bag? What are the numbers 1 out of 5..... 5 out of 5 i don't know. I do know you can get some good seeds from who ever got the best weed at the time. Not talking Haze or Dro. Not every body buys seeds online.

Toking Tide

Well-Known Member
well im smoking some good hash right now, and it IS from Amsterdam. Unfortunately it will probably be gone after tonight.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't use bag seed as a general rule. I'm sure a lot of people disagree but the facts as I understand it are like this. Good growers kill the male plants off or use a cloned female to keep pollen from reaching the female plants. If no pollen is around then how did that seed get in your bag of weed? Well apparently one or more of the plants became a hermaphrodite and pollinated the females. These seeds you shouldn't use because if my understanding is correct then they will produce more hermies since they are hermie seeds. Also genetically the seeds suck because they were produced as a last ditch effort to continue survival or some shit like that. So make another thread about whether to use bag seed or not and I'm sure you will get some better educated responses than me. I'm a noob so I am only repeating what I have read up on.
Life will turn them into maffs ,,treat them wrong they'll go south on you


Well-Known Member
Yo Major Nuggz i got rid of them dude's. And could'nt resist on ordering those white widow seeds. Just waiting!:hump: There Feminized also.:smile:


Well-Known Member
sweet..ww is the shit man..knock your dick in the dirt,,buddy of mine has got a purple widow going ..cant wait to try it
good luck..happy growing :)


Active Member
How many haze strains are out their? Or is it only 1 purple haze strain.? And what are my chances coming across some haze seeds from a bigbag of weed? Is it a common strain? Reason i ask is that this bigbag of weed i got taste a little like haze. So i kept the seeds. I plan on useing them on my next grow
well actually the real purple haze that jimi hendrix sang about is actually extinct! i just learned that the other day


Well-Known Member
Well what ever they call haze today seem good to me. Weather it's purple haze they made up or the haze jimmy hendrix smoke. Its all Good. LOL