Aero/Hydro Gravity Grow: Tangerine Dream/G13 x Haze/Cinderella 99/Pineapple Chunk


Scientia Cannabis
glad to hear, i'll give it a look when I get home.
veg is just more fun cause you can play more.
but i'm more interested in how plants look before flowering.
like leaf sizes, color, and all that stuff. nugs all end up looking the same in the long run, broken up, and in a joint.:joint:
What did you think of it? ^^

Yeah there is more fun about it and it's great to see changes in colour etc.

True ^^ Though some looks better than other :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Your room looks sick! Damn just watched the video now, been away for a while.
All the girls in the HPS room are looking nice, aswell as the other ones.
Really like how clean your setup is, clean is good.


Scientia Cannabis
Your room looks sick! Damn just watched the video now, been away for a while.
All the girls in the HPS room are looking nice, aswell as the other ones.
Really like how clean your setup is, clean is good.
Glad you like it!
Hopefully they all turn out girls, probably not going to happen but one can hope :leaf:

Clean is good ye, easier to get around and hopefully lowers the risk of problems.


Scientia Cannabis
Haven't been able to update because I've been really ill for about a week now.
Getting better, but not at full strength yet.

On top of my illness our plants have been fucked over by our nutes.
Our mother room plants showed signs of pH fluctuation and a slight burn, we got it under control pretty fast and they have bounced back.
All plants in the mother room are really showing good form now (and Penny is starting to look really good).

The flowering room however (C99s)..
We used the prescribed nutrients and all the plants got really bad, most of their leaves, except new growth, are showing severe signs of nutrient burn.
They are all looking very hard hit by the error and most leaves will probably fall off, the plants are not going to die though since we have corrected the error.

I can't believe we got fucked over by the nutrients as we did.
We're using the all new AN (Advanced Nutrients) pH-PERFECT 3-part.
We followed the instructions on the side of the container and it seems even though we were careful (using 1/4 of the solution in the mother room and 1/2 in the flowering room) we fed way too much to our plants.

The nutrients also clump up in our reservoirs and behaves very oddly.
I'm really disappointed by the nutes tbh and that our plants had to suffer.

Hopefully everything is under control now.

2 of the weakest and most hurt C99s have been moved back into the mother room to get back to full strength.
Therefore 2 G13 x Haze have been moved into a bucket in the flowering room (because the roots really took over and they need more space).

We're not using any nutes in the flowering room atm and when we do we will probably go really really light on them, the instructions can clearly not be followed unless one wants to fuck oneself.

This nutrient slip-up has set us back at least 1-2 weeks.
Luckily the mother room plants are really strong and showing great spirit and we will surely get back on our feet.
I'm more concerned about the C99s.

A picture update will follow asap.


Well-Known Member
Its a common error bro so dont beat yourself up over it !! The thing with nutes is diffrent strains react diffrently to strengh of nutes and the only way round this is a diffrent res for each strain and build up to wot u think is acceptable to give certain strains !! Fuck dont listen or read labels on nute bottles read your plants as its those that tell u truthly how they are doin i ve neva used a ec ppm pen or wotever just judged by my plants and neva had a serious burn as u discribe so i feel its just a little bad luck and error at the same time so keep your chin up and keep at it and watch and read your plants!!
Happy growin!


Scientia Cannabis
Ye it just pisses me off because I've never had a nutrient burn like this before.
I've grown quite a bit and I know a lot about growing but these nutrients really fucked me over.
I seriously think there's a problem with the nutrients themselves, they are very odd compared to what else I've seen.
The reason I picked the ones I got is because they're a new formula (should be well tested and really good) and they're "pH-perfect" which makes it a lot easier, although I do have a pH-meter to make sure of course and keep pH fluctuation out of the equation.

Problem is I did read the plants mate, they were doing really well (if you see the video that is about the time we upped the nutes a bit because they seemed to like it and want more) and it looked like they might even have a slight deficiency.
However they really got bad quickly once we had a 1/2 strength solution in the reservoirs.
The 1/2 strength is even 1/2 of what the label on the nutrient container said was best.
So I took a real easy mix (half of half of what was recommend) and still got buttfucked.
One of the buckets was even given 1/2 of what the label said (twice as much as the other buckets on 1/4) and the plants in that bucket got really fucking bad quickly.
Those two C99s are the ones moved back into the mother room to take extra care of them.

Thanks for your words of comfort btw, it's just so hard to not blame yourself when you see your actions hurting your plants even though you are extra careful.
Those damn nutrient companies should really watch what they write on the labels of their "no-risk" nutrients.
If we had given nutrients as by the label we would've had dead plants now for sure.


Well-Known Member
Ye it just pisses me off because I've never had a nutrient burn like this before.
I've grown quite a bit and I know a lot about growing but these nutrients really fucked me over.
I seriously think there's a problem with the nutrients themselves, they are very odd compared to what else I've seen.
The reason I picked the ones I got is because they're a new formula (should be well tested and really good) and they're "pH-perfect" which makes it a lot easier, although I do have a pH-meter to make sure of course and keep pH fluctuation out of the equation.

Problem is I did read the plants mate, they were doing really well (if you see the video that is about the time we upped the nutes a bit because they seemed to like it and want more) and it looked like they might even have a slight deficiency.
However they really got bad quickly once we had a 1/2 strength solution in the reservoirs.
The 1/2 strength is even 1/2 of what the label on the nutrient container said was best.
So I took a real easy mix (half of half of what was recommend) and still got buttfucked.
One of the buckets was even given 1/2 of what the label said (twice as much as the other buckets on 1/4) and the plants in that bucket got really fucking bad quickly.
Those two C99s are the ones moved back into the mother room to take extra care of them.

Thanks for your words of comfort btw, it's just so hard to not blame yourself when you see your actions hurting your plants even though you are extra careful.
Those damn nutrient companies should really watch what they write on the labels of their "no-risk" nutrients.
If we had given nutrients as by the label we would've had dead plants now for sure.
Stick to wot u know bro like you ve said no they should nt put the labels on em as a guide but they do and u must c past it and do wot your heart and plants tell you and like youve told me there seems to b narrow margins between ok and to much so jot down how much and wen u increase next time as a guide and you should hit em with fire!!


Well-Known Member
Btw mate i know guys like yourself that like to try every strain goin and i can c why as there is sum great stuff out there but for me i like to try and perfect my growing with a single strain the more u grow it the more knowlodge you ll gain from it and the more you ll reap from it imo plus its very hard to fuck up once you ve grown it a few times so bare that in mind as i ve seen people bang there head up a wall from growin to many diffrent strains at the same time


Scientia Cannabis
Ye the schedule from AN won't be followed at all, it'll all be eyeballing.

I've actually been like you a lot, growing just 1 strain for a while and I only know a lot about 2-3 strains.
However true it is about growing a single strain I also enjoy getting a diverse crop and diverse bunch of ladies, and they have actually all done really well.
In the mother room (where all the strains are) they are all healthy and doing well, the only plant not growing perfect is one of the Pineapple Chunks.
And btw, if nutes had to fail, I'm glad they failed on C99, she's one tough bitch.
She can really take a lot more harm than the others and she is much more resistant.
Even with extreme burn the new growth and posture of the plants are great. I'm very impressed by this strain ^^


Well-Known Member
Its the nutes man, If I ever do hydro im going to H&G, no salt build-ups at all in your res or any of your system.
Brother told me lots of good things about them.
Only thing I hate about advanced is their slogan bashing GH.
I swore to never use that nutrient line, but i'm even more curious about the results now.
I'm sure you'll be fine my man, it's still early and we all get a couple fouls before we're out of the game.
dubz0r on my thread has some c99 right now, made me envious on how crystally and dank it looked.

But to be honest i'm more worried about your health.
How you feelin bro? I've felt like shit the past 3 days aswell man, everythings coming out in liquid form if you catch my drift.
Fuckin hate it.


Scientia Cannabis
Might switch nutes tbh, not right now but later down the line it might happen.
I've heard a lot of good stuff about H&G as well.

Ye hopefully all the C99s will bounce back quickly with the fresh water and hopefully they won't stunt growth.
I read what dub said about it, something along the lines of it being a knockout-smoke, which fucked him up for 8 hours straight or summat :D

Thanks mate, I'm feeling a lot better now.
It was pretty rough tbh, I haven't been ill like that in many years.
It was some sort of throath-virus. Locked up my throath so I couldn't breathe and on top of that I had all the normal virus symptoms (headache, fever, snotty etc.).
I didn't sleep the first 48 hours so I'm still a bit bombed, but doing a lot better!
Sounds like you got some of the virus I got, everything came out in liquid here as well, couldn't hold anything in.

I hope you get better soon mate, it's never fun to be ill, but trying to take care of plants while you're ill is a serious hardship!


Scientia Cannabis
Update time:

4 of the G13 x Haze from the mother room have been moved to the flowering room.
The one well C99 we had in the mother room has also been moved to the flowering room.
We have therefore taken 5 C99 out of the flowering room and placed them in the mother room to get them back to health and also to stop the slowing down of our schedule with the other larger and more well plants.

We have 5 C99 and 1 PC in the mother room nursing them a bit.
We also have the 3 mothers we have atm in that room.
Those are the one surviving TD (Penny), a PC and a G13 x Haze.

Pictures of the plants in the mother room:

The tiny ones are the smallest C99s which got nute burn in the flowering room.
There is also one PC (looking better than the C99s) which is not growing that well.

The entire mother room:

Showing the Pineapple Chunk mother, G13 x Haze mother and the Tangerine Dream mother as well.

The 3 mothers:

Penny aka. Tangerine Dream mother:

G13 x Haze mother:

Pineapple Chunk mother:

Close up of G13 x Haze:

Close up of Penny:

Now for the flowering room:


Two of the 'injured' C99s:

The one well C99 we have:

The 4 G13 x Haze:

2 of those (the first 2 pictures) have been in the flowering room since the 23rd.
The other 2 just got moved today (together with the 1 healthy C99).

Root pictures of 2 of the G13 x Haze:

And finally some macro shots:



I love this! :leaf: Even though we had a minor accident with the C99s, it's still such a fun and interesting hobby to have.
I'm enjoying it very much :)

We're making a shopping list now of things we need, like a new and better lamp for the mother room.
We also don't have anything to remove pests, if we should be so unfortunate to get that later on. And an EC meter is also on our list.

The mother rooms drip system is brilliantly placed on our tray. We're very fortunate that the way we've set up everything, there's a nice flow of water that first hits the mother plants and on the way down to the drain in the tray, they hit all the 'injured' C99s and the PC.

And Sure To Grow® is insanely easy to work with and simply awesome! :clap:


Well-Known Member
WOW. Everythings look way better then I thought by the sounds of it.
and penny almost makes me tear up, shes mesmerizing.
very very nice update, I too have had a little troubles but still plants look danker as can be.
you guys sound like you're in the same state of mind as me.
But when I finish flowering this batch, i'm switching my 400W setup to turn into my veg room and getting some 1000Ws for my flowering.
I'm starting to realize that my T5's I have isn't really enough it seems.
As for pests, have you been noticing anything?


Scientia Cannabis
Hehe I'm glad you think that mate :)

Ye Penny is doing really well! She is showing signs of very healthy growth and she is extremely symetric :D

Trouble is almost unavoidable, it's how you fix it that counts!
And luckily for us both we've come out great from the mishap.

Sounds like a very nice setup!
You can grow a lot of plants with 2 1000Ws ^^

We have noticed a few spots on some plants but I think it's something else, there aren't any pests as far as I can see and the only thing I've seen down in our room is a house fly hehe.
We will get some pesticide though and make sure we got some if something should happen.


Scientia Cannabis
On another note.

Nutrients have been added to the flowering room buckets again.
We are currently waiting for the EC meter we have ordered.
Once we have that we will be able to check the water much more thoroughly and choose the right amount.

As you can see from the pictures and the new video we have also begun LST (Low Stress Training), tying down the plant to expose more nodes and make sure we get a good broad growth to start filling our scrog.

The scrog itself has not been setup yet.


Well-Known Member
wow that video is fucking great.
can't wait to see you start that scrog, they are all coming along great man.
everything is really bushy, i see what you mean by the nutes eating them up, its not that bad i wouldnt worry too much about it.
so great having a video instead of pictures, sick man.


Scientia Cannabis
Glad you like it mate.
Btw that reminds me, I forgot to tell you that if you have some certain appeals to things you want filmed or shown a bit more thoroughly just let me know.

I thought about doing a commentated video but I'm not quite sure exactly what to discuss.
And I think if I did, I would probably lose track of time and get boring lol.

I think they are about 1-2 weeks away from scrog size, depends on how much the shoot up really, they have grown very fast in the flowering room so far :weed:

We have a bunch of new stuff on the way btw (spent another $500).
The exact item will be explained a bit more thoroughly later when we get it all and can set it up and check it out.

Might do an entire equipment picture / video update to show it all off.

There have even been changes since the vid was uploaded, we will have to update more often ^^