Aero/NFT Grow in Tent w/ CO2, AC, Dehumidifier, and DIY Chiller

Yeah. Was a bit over the top. It's not day after day, has spurts those last 2-3 weeks. Where they have sporadic excessive thirsty days, then they may not even drink a gallon the following day. I personally am leaning towards 30 gallon food grade barrels or something of the ilk.
I've definitely been blown away by how fast they can drink water. Having my dehumidifier drain into my res' helps keep them topped off though. Before I was draining the dehum that way they'd during 5 gal a day easily.
What would be tidy is plumbing from the filter into the res, and putting in a float valve. That way you didn't have to mess with it.

Unfortunately, that's not an option for me since my filter is on the opposite side of the house.
I am definitely playing around with the idea of automating my PH, water top offs, and nutrient feeding. Man would life be easier. Lol.
Bluelab sells a doser, and so do a few other companies. They're pircey though. $350-450. But not having to dick with pH would be nice.
Yeah they are pricey! Especially when I would need it for a few different res'. I have yet to speak to anyone who has used them so I am hesitant until I hear success stories.
looking to run your triple rail SB unit, any improvement you would do in the design?
My only true mod I had to make to run 3 rails with even pressure is that I run from the pump into a 1/2" T that then goes into a loop as pictured below. I don't have dimensions for you because I just "freestyled" it as @StinkBud would say.
IMG_2957.JPG IMG_2960.JPG IMG_2962.JPG

After running the system for quite a while, there are a few more mods that I would like to make that would def make my life easier...I just have not found the time to do it.

The main mod that I am gonna make happen is running the @letdown shifty or similar version of the res which keeps your res outside the growing area and could eliminate the need for a chiller (dang, but my chiller design is so cool. JK, LOL). In reality I would probably still keep the chiller involved in some way still. Maybe cool boxes for the lights?

Another mod is to somehow put ball valves between each rail so I could more easily change the res'.

One more idea I am playing with is to set up my system so that I can change where each rail is pumped from and drains to. That would make it so that you could have complete control over each rails' nutes individually and reduce your overall number of res'. For example you could have one big ass res outside the grow for your transitional nutes, one for your week 3 through week 7 nutes, and one res for your flush. Somehow having interchangeable drain connections and pump connections would allow this to happen. Anyone have ideas or have success doing something similar?
Another mod is to somehow put ball valves between each rail so I could more easily change the res'.

One more idea I am playing with is to set up my system so that I can change where each rail is pumped from and drains to. That would make it so that you could have complete control over each rails' nutes individually and reduce your overall number of res'. For example you could have one big ass res outside the grow for your transitional nutes, one for your week 3 through week 7 nutes, and one res for your flush. Somehow having interchangeable drain connections and pump connections would allow this to happen. Anyone have ideas or have success doing something similar?
Now your thinking is right on track with mine, and I'll be working out the details when I setup the new grow. I was thinking along the lines of 55 gallon food grade barrels for my res, with 3 installed. 1 for week 1-4, 1 for 5-7 ( maybe 8 ), then a flush res. Working out details in my head.
So apparently lowes doesnt stock the pvc water hose adaptor?

AK, what is the product info on your hose adaptor?

Lastly, it looks like you installed the quick disconnect on the flower and veg units under the spray system versus on top with the hose adaptor for the clone unit. Any reasoning? I'm thinking about the easier way to drain and re-fill.
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So apparently lowes doesnt stock the pvc water hose adaptor?

AK, what is the product info on your hose adaptor?

Lastly, it looks like you installed the quick disconnect on the flower and veg units under the spray system versus on top with the hose adaptor for the clone unit. Any reasoning? I'm thinking about the easier way to drain and re-fill. is the piece your talking about.

I lowered the quick disconnect so that it would be able to fill the 2" hole in the lid and it made it easier to take the lid off.

I am in the process of plumbing my new room so all of my res will be connected to a drain at all times so all I have to do is switch the valve and hit the pumps. Can't wait.
Sorry for all the questions, but what is that unit you have connected to your surge protector?
No worries on all the qs.

That would be the my pump relay. Its a rather ghetto version of an HID hub that allows you to activate as many as 7 pumps at a time with out putting all that amp load on your expensive cycle timer. The cycle timers are rated to somewhere between 9 amps and 18 amps, so when you start up more than one pump at a time you are pulling 7 to 9 amps per pump and if you are running more than 2 pumps on a cycle time that will be enough amps to quickly FRY your cycle time and potentially flip the breaker. Mine is built from an HVAC 50 amp double pole contactor ($9 bucks on Amazon) that acts as a relay and some other parts I had laying around. There are very primitive instructions posted by @andyman somewhere in the first 200 pages of @StinkBud 's "harvest a pound every three weeks."