Aeroflo2 series


Active Member
Hey I'm new to this forum, I just have a couple of questions. When your growing hydroponics, is a 3 inch grow cup big enough to grow a mature plant? The reason I'm asking is because I'm interested in purchasing either the Aeroflo2 36 site system, or the 60 site system. Would 2 600watt lights be sufficient for the 36 site system. The dimensions are 4'2" x 4'7".

I know yield is hard to predict, but under optimal conditions what could I expect to yield from 36 plants under 2 600 watt lights? 1 ounce per plant is on the low side right? Going by that 2 pounds shouldn't be unreasonable.

Anyway any information on these systems would be great, as well as anything else you feel may be relevant.

Thanks a lot all :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I have the aeroflo2 20 site, love it. Unless you had a mover for your bulb, you'd need more than one light, imho. Hard to predict your yield,that would depend upon your care of the plants, nutes, lights, and temp. Experiment! :peace:


Active Member
What are you yielding off of your 20 site aeroflo, and what are you using for lighting? Got any pics?

Do you think 2 600watt lights would be sufficient, I would use more but I'm trying to set it up to use as little electricity as possible.

Anyway thanks for the reply, I was starting to think I was isolated from the rest of the net :P lol


Active Member
Have you ever had any problems running out of root room with your tomatoes? How tall do you grow them. Hey sorry for all the questions here, I'm trying to make my decision on this system but its hard to get info on.


Well-Known Member
Never had problems with running out of room for the roots. Most plants were roughly two feet tall. No worries, I don't mind questions.


Active Member
you will be better then good with 2 600's man. This system is great for this. It only takes 2000k to do a whole 120 aeroflo2. 1200 on a 20 and your gonna be raging HARD. Do it..... you won't regret it EVER. if you have any other questions drop em and I'd be happy to tell you anything I kno.