Aerogarden 1st timer need oppinions


Active Member
there is a picture of what im working with so far and i need to know if im on the right track. i have a aerogarden coming in the mail and i think they shipped me the wrong one. the one they shipped has a water pump and the one i wanted has an air pump, which is better and why?



Well-Known Member
All AGs come with a Water Pump. What it does is circulate the water inside the reservoir, and also feeds it up top to flow over the sponge-inserts. This keeps the inside balanced, and keeps the top of the plant slightly moist

Air pumps, via tubing into Air Stones, create oxygen in the water. Oxygen = plant food. At standard places, Pump + Tubing + Airstones should run you around $10-20. They're not necessary, but help a lot!

However, as I learned the hard way, TURN OFF THE AG WATER PUMP once there is plenty of roots in the water. Otherwise, the pump might suck in the roots, which will lead to root-rot, poor performance, and weak plants


Active Member
But if the roots are sitting in water that isn't being pumped isn't there a better chance the roots will rot?


Well-Known Member
not at all :)

think of it as "water instead of dirt". Roots sit in dirt just fine, they sit in water even better.

Root rot is caused by foreign particles (dropping a cheerio in your reservoir), dead plant material (you chop a weak plant, but leave some laying around), light (you dont block the unused AG pods, and light causes bacteria to grow), and other such "unusualities"


Active Member
oh alright thanks, what should i use to cover the holes? i dont have golf balls laying around not a golfer haha


Well-Known Member
anything, as long as its not clear. I've used duct-tape, toothpick boxes, whatever.

As long as it doesnt drop anything into the hole, and doesnt let any light in, it'll work just fine. Duct-tape is probably the easiest/cheapest way to go


Well-Known Member
very nice :)

Just remember to lower the AG hood all the way once you get your seeds planted, so they don't have to reach for the light.

And if thats aluminum foil, be careful - it's not too good about heat control...


Active Member
haha yea its tin foil...would i be better off not using anything? i need a paycheck before i can order any mylar rolls i think im going to buy one of those 5 foot grow tents from ebay too


Well-Known Member
nah, Foil is better than nothing, but be careful putting lights/heat too close to it

that said, as a fellow first-time grower, i gotta say: KEEP IT SIMPLE. Grow Tents, Mylar, can get pricey and complicated, real fast.

If its not something essential, chances are you're best staying away on Grow #1 :)


It is best to germinate them in an aero-garden and let them get about 5"-6" tall and then get them into pots. I then place them outside and let mother nature do the rest. I truly beleive that the aerogarden is the best way to start seeds, and it is a GREAT way to start clones.


Active Member
You can also just paint the inside of whatever grow box , White. That's what i have been reading so far , instead of mylar.