Aerogarden Amateur Bagseed Grow

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
...Upon first lighting, the taste is sweet and very delicate, with light notes of citrus sparkling on the taste buds. Rolling around in the mouth, the heavy spices take center stage, lending a wonderful robustness to the smoke. The smoke leaves a wonderful spicy-minty floral note in the mouth. The high is sublime, and onsets quickly with a rush of heat to the face and extremities. The body is left feeling light and airy, and the face warm and flushed, like standing in the sunlight on a mountaintop. \
Know this is an old post but we finally found some good writing on RIU! Been looking for a guy like you on RIU Handbanana :joint: (Plus you gotta love ATHF hahaha). Check out our grow when you have a chance man. This is awesome.


I don't think the plants will stretch anymore. They're bagseed so that means you don't know what the genetics are. You could have tall sativa dominant seeds, or you could have medium size indica... either way, give em time to level out, and don't raise the light til the plants are about an inch away from touching. just keep air blowing on em and top or fim them after 3-4 nodes.