AeroGarden assistance


Active Member
Im a student that lives at home. I've been reading up on the Aerogarden and it seems like my best shot at growing. The reason i'm so interested in the Aerogarden is because its small and easy to conceal from my family. Im thinking Lowryder's are a good place to start.

Would take any tips on keeping it hidden. I have a relatively large house and a huge loft. Smell needs to be taken into consideration to keep it hidden. This project needs to be Inconspicuous and low key.

Thanks Chuck


Active Member
hey, I used an aerogarden in my very first attempt. The usual suggestions are to supplement the garden with an aftermarket airstone and pump. I would suggest you don't use the aerogarden, although you can grow plants with it. Mine died when it was 8 inches because it somehow got unplugged when I was away. The reservoir and lights are convenient but you can get a similar sized container and by an airstone, hose, pump from your fish store or pet store. Also get a timer. All of this will cost less than the aero. It doesn't need to look fancy. Get yourself some mylar to cover the top of the container, put some holes in there and use baskets. There are plenty of threads on how to build this and I would have gone with this if I hadn't purchased the garden first. I know I may not be so much help and you may have more questions..(What to do with lights?) If you have an armoire or dresser you can set up in there with hanging CFLs. Attach the lights to a wooden board, you can daisy chain the lights together or go the easy way and use a power strip. I would search the forums, don't go just on my advice, friend.


Active Member
You're first attempt, were the plants growing well? The standard light that comes with the AeroGarden, is it powerful enough? Ive viewed many youtube videos and they suggest lights with a bit more kick. As i'm a newb to all this im going to stick with the aerogarden. Even if the yield is low its somewhere to start. I have a walk-in wardrobe in my living room. Theres a small compartment thats 2 meters by 1.5m, i think this should be sufficient.

My next question is how do you're germinated seeds growing in the aerogarden? Ive been told the aerogarden has capsules or pods with vegetable seeds in them. Would i need to modify these? or purchase empty ones i could put my own seeds into.