Aerogarden club


Well-Known Member
the more light the bigger the buds the ag is suffecient for vegging not flowering. You can get clamp lights and cfls at home depot pretty cheap. Check the link in my sig and look at my set up


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i need a lil help with this one. All i have is the regular stock lights. Old skool black ag not the new one. Am i gona need supplemental ligthing?? I dont want it to die but im limited and i dont want to add more ligth. i heard i can get an upgrade lamp hood (delux model) for mine?? im just worried bout wat to do with clone. should i bend and grow low?? or let nature take its course??? Plz guys help me out. Thanks.
Don't buy the AG upgrade kit. You can do a lot better. Like a cheap 150W HPS.

Also don't forget the air stone bubbler in the res.

I'm no use for what to do with your plant. (I only use the AG for cloning and keeping a micro mom.) So I'll leave that to the others.


Active Member
Hey everyone,
I just got my Nutra Wand EC/PPM/CF meter. Friday will be my two week mark to start up my Fox Farm nutes. I am using Distilled water which reads 0ppm and the distilled water in the reservoir reads 570ppm with an EC of 1.2. On the packaging it says 500ppm = 10CF = 1EC. So the ppm in my reservoir is pretty high for not adding nutes for two weeks (see thread I will flush the reservoir first then add nutes. The Fox Farm feeding schedule reccommends an ec of 1.0 to 1.2 and ppm of 700 to 840 and if I use 1/4 tsp (per gallon) instead reccommended 1 tsp, the ppm should be 175 - 210 and ec .25 - .3. My question is am I going about this in the correct way? What ratios have people been successful with in the past? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
the more light the bigger the buds the ag is suffecient for vegging not flowering. You can get clamp lights and cfls at home depot pretty cheap. Check the link in my sig and look at my set up
i agree with you 100%.The AG is small.So you get small results.Your best bet is to get the clamp on cfl hookup(150)w replacement.a couple of them.about 5 or 6.Thats what i used and got better results.
Or,you can take the AG hood off and go HPS for flowering.Flowering under cfl's im gonna tell you right now SUCK! so try to fit the HPS in 150-400w for a single AG.But cfl's are the cheapest.home depot.150w. replacement 2800 lumens or 2600 i forgot but they are deff. the cheapest way to go.


Well-Known Member
yo guys i put a clamp ligth with a 100w cfl bulb, the sun ligth one. im planing to add another one. if i do add another one is that giong to be enougth for this one plant plant to have some good nugs on it?? Let me know wat u think huys. Thanks



Well-Known Member
Daylight cfls are fir vegging. And soft white cfls are for flowering. I have 8 extra soft white 23w bulbs to go along with the 3 aerogarden daylight bulbs.


Well-Known Member
yo volcom im gona add 2 ligths just like the one i have but the soft white or maybe should i just add 3 soft whites and leave the ag ones?? and im planing on topping my plant like in week. what u think??? i dont want it to get bigger dan the AG, like raise the hood past its maximum heigh i thin 24". plants look like thay getting good growth. i havent used any bloomig nutrients. using floranova nutes. well plz tell me wat u think. thanks


Active Member
Just germ'd 3 Lowlife Ak47xHindu kush seeds into my pro200 tonight..

I ordered
General Hydroponics FloraGro
General Hydroponics FloraBloom

and a airstone and air pump.. Im excited..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I have been lurking around for a few months now, soaking up as much knowledge as i can. I just wanted to share a few photos from my 1st agpro100 (i have 3 in various stages) I will be setting up a grow journal soon.

pics! all bagseed.

this is Sparky

This ones baby

another shot of baby


Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody!!!!!!!!!!
I just got some White Widow seeds from Nirvana and I understand it grows tall. Are these okay for the AG? Got some BIG BUG as well and I know that grows shorter. Can I use a couple of both seeds in the same grow? Any tips?

What seeds should I try next for an AG grow? Which complete their cycle faster?



Well-Known Member
dude! Got some insight on that insert for the AG?? Looks ideal for cloning and seed starting.
I'll let you know how it goes...

In just a quick peek I see at least some of the clones making it and I have about 10 or 12 bagseeds that cracked within 40 hours...

Does look sweet doesn't it...



Active Member
I just germed my seeds in paper towel and after they showed tap root I put them into the plugs and put them into my new aerogarden pro200 .. its been a couple days and it doesnt seem like the seedlings are showing any growth.. did I do something wrong?


Well-Known Member
I'll let you know how it goes...

In just a quick peek I see at least some of the clones making it and I have about 10 or 12 bagseeds that cracked within 40 hours...

Does look sweet doesn't it...

25 out of 32 are now cracked... all are finding their way into the very porous plugs just fine... I was impressed...

All of the clones are still alive... or green anyways... and I added a few more...

I found out that one of my Bagseed Indicas is a female... and I had topped her 4 times... so I got to take a bunch of nice thick stemmed cuttings...

So I now have 19 clones in the AG... some of the new Indica ansd some from the same strain as my last grow...

Here is a pic... or


Oh... and I am not sure if you guys were under the impression that I made the tray.... but I didn't....

It's an AG accessory, $30 at the grow shop...

One could easily make one... but it was within $5 of just the plugs... so I got it... but you could easily make it... and use their plugs...



