Aerogarden club


Well-Known Member
people have germinated in the AG, it should work, but i would do the paper towel method just to be safe

magikal chronik

Well-Known Member
i do the paper towel method personally, but my buddy used the AG for germ. and it worked just fine. you just have to make sure you push the root down so it wont pinch or go upwards.


Well-Known Member
DONT SEED IN THE AG! You are more likely to get failed seeds that way. Germinate in the following way:

Prep your seed by freezing it overnight (this acts like a winter freeze and helps with germing.
Once frozen, dunk in a glass of warm (not hot) water for an hour.
Get a small tupperware that can seal.
Place a moist (almost wet) paper towel at the bottom of the tupperware.
drop your prepared seeds onto the paper towel
put another moist (almost wet) paper towel on top of the seeds.
close and seal the tupperware
keep in a room with a temp of about 70-80 deg and check on seeds every 12-24 hrs.
Once the seed has a taproot that is about 1cm long remove from tupperware.
GENTLY place the seed (using tweezers) in the foam seed up and root down.
turn on your AG and watch it grow.

This germing method is 100% effective if your seeds are mature. Immature or overly mature seeds will still work this way but as with any method can create weak plants that die in early growth or are weak against disease.


Active Member
DONT SEED IN THE AG! You are more likely to get failed seeds that way. Germinate in the following way:

Prep your seed by freezing it overnight (this acts like a winter freeze and helps with germing.
Once frozen, dunk in a glass of warm (not hot) water for an hour.
Get a small tupperware that can seal.
Place a moist (almost wet) paper towel at the bottom of the tupperware.
drop your prepared seeds onto the paper towel
put another moist (almost wet) paper towel on top of the seeds.
close and seal the tupperware
keep in a room with a temp of about 70-80 deg and check on seeds every 12-24 hrs.
Once the seed has a taproot that is about 1cm long remove from tupperware.
GENTLY place the seed (using tweezers) in the foam seed up and root down.
turn on your AG and watch it grow.

This germing method is 100% effective if your seeds are mature. Immature or overly mature seeds will still work this way but as with any method can create weak plants that die in early growth or are weak against disease.
Oh wow,
Thanks alot for the help i think i'm going to go with your method and see how it goes. one question though how deep should the seed go into the AG sponge. ?


Active Member
I was wondering what tubes also? but thanks about nuts cuz i put the 1st 2 that your suppose to put in. but every 2 weeks? i thought you were suppose to put it in when the light blinks for it

what plastic tubes are you talkin about? as far as i know you would put them in right where the water goes in...
what kinda nutes you using?
if you are using the AG nutes use them at HALF strength (that means one big every 2 weeks)
or else your plants will be doomed before you even start....
good luck and happy growin


Active Member
hey wassup how do you start your own journal anyway?

[quote="SICC";1646121]lol i was thinking the same thing[/quote]


Well-Known Member
go into the aeroponics section, and there should be a start new thread option, and you start from there, you can add pics and people can follow along and help you out


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what tubes also? but thanks about nuts cuz i put the 1st 2 that your suppose to put in. but every 2 weeks? i thought you were suppose to put it in when the light blinks for it
yea the light blinks for it every 2 weeks, is just a timer for reminding you, also the fill water light will blink as well, so make sure you top off the res


Well-Known Member
Looks good man...

You will probably get some... but in my opinion, which isn't worth much, you need way more light.... if you want some quality buds...

But you will have fun and a few bowls to smoke...

Hey SICC... I just kept a BIG ASS FAN blowing on the AG constatntly...

It helped by about 15F....

Cheers mate....

i took gypsys advice and went and got more ligths. what u think guys? wats my estimated yield i got 7 nice tops. let me know guys. thanks

