AeroGarden Deluxe (1st grow ever)


Active Member
Not much has happened over the past day...
Leaves have just spread out a tiny it more, and unfolding has occurred all over...

Is it normal not to show too much progress in 1 day?


Active Member
Hey guys...
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days...
Getting married on Mar. 20th and have been going nuts with travel arrangements and stuff...

Here are 5 pr0n shots of the ladies (at least I hope they're ladies... I'm not gay... >_>)...

1. Check those asses out...
2. Closer view of the asses...
3. Beautiful legs...
4. Sexy ass girl...
5. Ugly, but I'd still fuck her...

They're just over 6 days old now...
Are they doing well for that age?

Let me know...




Active Member
Don't have any extra lights...
I'm gonna try this with only the AG for the 1st time...
Only extra thing I'm gonna use is a timer so I can do 12/12 when I'm ready to flower...

What do you think is up with the ugly one in the last pic?

The front one are stretching slightly...
I have some peg board that I can wrap around the AG and mount little hooks on it if I need to tie stuff up...

One thing I'm really curious about is the current stage of growth...
Are they doing well for being 6-7 days old, or are they not growing like they should be?


Active Member
Some plants just start out like ugly ducklings. I had one like that.
Good to know...
I was worried about her...

Plus, the reason I planted so many is so I can throw away if I have to...
If a few stretch too much, or are dudes, then they'll get snipped, shredded and used as mulch in my garden or something...



Well-Known Member
Good to know...
I was worried about her...

Plus, the reason I planted so many is so I can throw away if I have to...
If a few stretch too much, or are dudes, then they'll get snipped, shredded and used as mulch in my garden or something...

You just have to hope the roots don't get too tangled or you'll end up with a bunch of dead root mass in your res after you cut the males.


New Member
I haven't even thought about that...
That would suck...
no, what'll suck is finding that ur plants only yielded a few grams per plant. u need the CFLs. even a couple is better than none. ive never tried it with only the ag hood, but ive heard at least three ppl say that itll only yield a few Gs


Active Member
Ah well...
Money has to go to other things (wedding, etc) atm...

Even if it is only a few grams..., at least it's better than nothing...
I'll have learned stuff...

I plan on building a little cabinet, and getting many more lights for the next grow...
Just wanna see how this goes...


Active Member
Yeah it is...

I'm planning on using it as a cloner next time...
I want to get the same kit that HomegrownHairy got for my next grow...

So far this little thing is doing quite well IMHO...