Aerogarden First Grow need help plz


Well-Known Member
hey quick question got a 14 gal tub today fillin up now how long do I let the water sit out 24 hrs right and for the nutes how do I know how much I put in for the ones I'm using? The nutes I got with this other system is about the same size as the ag and gives you directions for it do I just put lik 2 or 3 times than I would for it? any imputs thanks



Well-Known Member
Just do the same thing your doing with the AG, its not really that much difference except you have more gallons, those nutes you got doesn't have a per gallon rule for them?


Well-Known Member
I would just follow what it says for now, then slowly increase it week by week, might has to do a lil experimenting and see how the plants react


Well-Known Member
thought so did the same wit one of em to turn it around so the fan leaves didnt get in one of away of another in the ag and it did the same thing but their starting to pick up so I guess it was that post some pics tomorrow. just got a lil worried can you blame me, these my babies lol


Well-Known Member
what kind of light are you using with your new setup
just built my own out of a shoe box with all white inside of it and a couple power strips with some plug in sockets and bout 6 or 7 cfls its just temporary until I can get a light hanger and a bulb but I'll probably just wait until they hit flower then put a new light in there.

to sicc: do i still change the water every week or since its more water and nutes I can let it last longer without changing it, if so how long?


Well-Known Member
Damn, im not too sure, i would try moving the lights up, is that the only thing there doing is drooping? is there any discoloring or burn spots?


Well-Known Member
after a couple hours of the light being pulled up a bit starting to see a bit of improvement check the before and after. so guess it was a lil heat stress forgot to put the thermometer back under the lights with the plants and it was 81 degrees not too good dropped down to 78 still not too good but better hoping they'll pick up by tomorrow keep ya posted



Well-Known Member
can this affect my flowering stage like being male if it's being stressed a lil bit I mean this is its first bad time throughout the whole period do you think it could affect that or is it just during flowering that problems matter to turn it hermie?


Well-Known Member
Probably caused some stress, im sure they will be fine just try and get some better ventilation and keep things cool, they look better


Well-Known Member
yea was looking at the pics and they do look a lot better got a question about the res do I change the water every week like I did before or since its more water and nutes I let it last longer. opened up a window it snowed last night so its pretty cold left my closet open to let the cold air in dropped down to 75 which is good right. on another note seems like your the only one helping me out thanks man really appreciate I prolly should of posted it in the ag thred lol still a newbie to this site will do it next grw though.


Well-Known Member
haha its all good man, your doing great. you still do the weekly rez change, that part is really key when your in hydro, you dont want a bunch of extra gunk left in the rez in that it will fuc with your pH and make it jump around alot, which you dont want, how are they looking today?


Well-Known Member
they looked alot better still a lil droopy but way better than last night I'll be posting some pics when the lights come back on in bout 3 hours.