Aerogarden is it worth using?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I bough the Aerogarden a few months ago and have been growing herbs in it so far. Time to start a new batch and was wondering what other people's experience with it is. 1. Is it worth using this? 2 What kind of yield can I expect? 3. Do I have to make any modifications to it?

Thanks in advance,


Well-Known Member
Just passing along info that I read last night...
Nongreenthumb posted in a journal last night that those things are great for herbs like parsley...but they are a
piece of shit
for growing pot. Said that the light is not good enough, and you could only grow one plant to maturity~ without hacking it up, buying a decent light for it, etc. Said he had never seen anyone have a decent yield with it! He reccomended that for the money you spent on it, you could build a better one cheaper, and use that extra saved money for a good 400, 600 watt light.
Just passing along~ I've never used one~
Personaly, I bought all materials, scavenged a few materials, for under 120.00 lights seeds, nutes and all, check out my journal for a price/material list~ hope this helps


Well-Known Member
i got a really good deal on one and would like to try and set it up to use as a small cloneing device.......... to root them maybe with rapidrooters.......


Well-Known Member
i am about 3 weeks in. seems ok so far. you are right cant exspect much on the yield. good for the tight space i am working wit. first time growing indoors. need alot of help!


Well-Known Member
i am about 3 weeks in. seems ok so far. you are right cant exspect much on the yield. good for the tight space i am working wit. first time growing indoors. need alot of help!

is it just me or do you have 2 seeds in some of those cups ?


Well-Known Member
i am about 3 weeks in. seems ok so far. you are right cant exspect much on the yield. good for the tight space i am working wit. first time growing indoors. need alot of help!
i understand and sympathize with what you're saying. And I am not for or against the aerogarden since I've never used one. I would point out that if you start your first grow in a quality system with great lights, your likelihood of success increases greatly. Another way of looking at it is a pro grower would have a tough time growing in a system not designed for marijuana.


Well-Known Member
this is my first grow with the ag. after this ill only use it for a cloner, but it aint to bad. im growing sugar blossom, there about 8 weeks, ive used ag nutes the entire way through so theyve grown a little slow, but once i stepped up the lighting it really helped.


Active Member
these ags look sort of like frankenstein ags...not much left from the original...:blsmoke:
I just added two CFLs in cheap clamp lamps. There is no way the AG is enough light. I also raised the hood higher with a separate cord. Mine looks funky because the hood wouldn't stay up and is leaning against the wall.


Well-Known Member
i switched lighting. 4 150 watt cfl's when i started flowering and they love it. and i got a floro that aint doin much but i have a third plant that started out real small so the floro gives it the light it cant get because of the other two plants towering over it. when im done harvesting im gonna start around 6 clones in january'ish and put them all in there own soil buckets and around april theylle be goin in my grow patch. 3 to 4 months of vegg. then theylle be nice and tall and have the entire summer to grow. i cant wait