Aerogarden lighting


Active Member
So I'm a bit confused as to the lighting in the aerogarden. From the looks of it the aerogarden would like sufficient height to grow and also it seems like the bulbs in it are not the greates. Do you simple remove the top and use your own bulbs around the plant and aerogarden set-up. Or am i wrong about the aerogarden lights. Either way from what i've seen this set up looks awesome. I'm looking at an aerogarden deluxe but dont want to waste the money on the extra height if i'm going to have to rip it off anyway.
much thanks


Well-Known Member
dont buy the extension bar, the stock AG lights are good for like the first two weeks, but after that you should really get some extra CFL's


Active Member
thats what i figured, i think im just going to run the cfl's though i know the HPS are a godsend but i dont want to spend the money for the hps plus i don't like the heat from them. since i'm just running a few plants i think the cfl will be fine. plus im going to have them on the side and the top so the penetration wont be a big issue. am i right about this?


Active Member
im glad you said that each bulb is 900 lumens so i think it should be sufficient if i'm not seeing what i want though ill have to go for the HPS system though thanks for the advice


Active Member
yeah i feel yah i can get one for cheaper, simply because i'm lucky enough to know a guy but i'm just going to pl;ay it by ear and if it needs it go for it so we shall see but at the current im bit to high to handle a keyboard so im going ot ssleep.