AeroGarden Lighting


:leaf:I'm going to start another grow.My firt grow was in an aerogarden space saver 6 and the plants died when they got too big for the aerogarden.I still have the light and was thinking of using it for my grow.I'm groing in my closet which is 3'W X 3'L X 5'H.I'm going purchase fox farm soil and other supplies today and will also be ordering my seeds from Nirvan Seed Bank today.I still haven't decided on a strain yet.I'm looking for opinions on the aerogarden light.Should I use this or purchase another setup?:leaf:


Well-Known Member
The AG light setup is really weak for growing weed...Just as you put it: My plants died after they got too big for your'll def need to invest in an HID light to get some worthwhile results. THe AG is good for cloning and sprouting...


Sweet thats the cheapest I've seen.I'm probably going to go for the 400W HPS setup.
Do you have any pictures of your grow with the 250W?