Aerogarden Round 3: Lowryder #2


Well-Known Member
pretty crazy how fast the guys shoot up huh? all my males have been huge compared to there sisters.... bunch of assholes if you ask me;)


Well-Known Member
sup tek, i have a few questions for you about the foxfarm nutes. do you use the grow big and the big bloom right from the start like the chart says, and how much do you use per gallon of each. i have a few that i have started and i put 1/2 tsp. of each per gallon. it looks like you have some healthly plants so i was wanting your input on it.... thanks


Active Member
I just bought the Aero garden and I am probably the biggest NOOB every. I read the Aero threads and I still have some questions hopefully someone can please help me......

so far I just planeted some Haze seeds and put the Bio domes on filled it up with Purifiied water and added 1 of the Nute tabs. I also wraped it in tinfoil around the bottom and all around the sides....

Here are my Q's

1)How do I monitor the timing I have it on "tomatoes"
and i set it up at 9:30est so what do i do?

2)I been reading that 24 hour strait light is good is this true, and when should I change the cycle?

3)What is the significance of PH testing and is it that necessary?

4)Is it a fire hazard if I ahve it in a closet wraped in Tin Foil next to Hanging Clothes?

5) How does PH work and How do I control/Monitor it



Well-Known Member
Week 5 Update W/ Pics: 35 days from seed...

Thats right....And They're doing great! As you can see I moved the center female to where the male was (the back right pod) Didn't have much trouble moving it, thankfully, it could've easily been a mess...

I just measured them too...the one on the left is about 10 inches and the big one on the right is about 13 inches...

It's crazy how some of the nodes/stems out grow and get taller than the main stem....weird

Nothing much else to report....They are drinking a lot of water...

Well 4-5 more weeks left!

Tell Me what you all think...




Well-Known Member
YEEE HAW!!!! looks great! she's gunna fill out and get STICKY! my hydro grow was in a aero/bubble bucket i made.... anyway i noticed that flowering was slower at first... and i let mine go about 70 days, i think, could have gone longer, but i like em cloudy not amber. was a lil fluffier than the dirt.


Well-Known Member
YEEE HAW!!!! looks great! she's gunna fill out and get STICKY! my hydro grow was in a aero/bubble bucket i made.... anyway i noticed that flowering was slower at first... and i let mine go about 70 days, i think, could have gone longer, but i like em cloudy not amber. was a lil fluffier than the dirt.
Thanks Zoid! I hope your right about it filling out....And I also think that aero system do somthing to the flowering time too....maybe like delays it or makes it go longer (same things lol)...I dunno...I like mine cloudy too...

Thanks for Advice and critique!


Well-Known Member
I was bored this morning so I made a collage of the progress of my LR2's...It's quite breath taking to see the growth after only 1 week!...

I hope you all like....




Active Member
What kind of light cycle are you using. Autoflowering and all, did you keep it high at 24/0 or 18/6? I'm getting the deluxe and using LR2's as well. Going to get 4 blue and 4 red cfl's. I was considering chroming the top of the tray to bounce more light under the girls, do you think that'd be a good plan?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys! As for Yield...I'm not too sure...I like to be modest...It's funny you ask because I was just looking at them and figuring in my head on the low side .5 g for every little bud and cola I saw...and by doing that on one plant i got to 20 g or so...its probobly in no way accurate...

I'm hoping for at least 14 g a plant....hoping more too! haha



Active Member
What kind of light cycle are you using. Autoflowering and all, did you keep it high at 24/0 or 18/6? I'm getting the deluxe and using LR2's as well. Going to get 4 blue and 4 red cfl's. I was considering chroming the top of the tray to bounce more light under the girls, do you think that'd be a good plan?
The plants do not absorb any light through the bottom of their leaves. don't crome your tray, It won't work.


Active Member
Hey Tek, how's it growin? been following ur posts for some time. matter of fact, u and a few other individuals were my inspiration to try the AG Pro200. Newho, I saw your post about the LR seeds and was intrigued. Apparently a new strain of LR/NYC Diesel is due out soon. Anyway, I have some input/questions regarding your efforts. Are there any other means to communicate? I am admittedly paranoid to max. Peace, love, and chicken grease, B