aerogardeners help plz


Well-Known Member
i have one of the crappier aerogardens i believe, 7 holes, the hood goes up about a foot or a foot and a half.
i am borrowing it from my dad, but he did not have any of the plugs to put the seed in.
right now i am using jifffy pots but after this harvest i would like to use something better.
the seed pods that come with the aerogarden are basically two halves of a sponge, right? if i dont order any from the company i was just planning on cutting some sponges to size. any thoughts?

also, im about out of grow tablets, would anyone recommend any other hydro tabs?


Well-Known Member
You can use fox Farm Nutrients, or the General Hydro, rockwool absorbs the water too well for the AG, or at least the grows' i have seen where people tried the wool


Well-Known Member
I got my AG the same way, had nothing, got it off some old timer throwing it out, I ordered the Mater Gardener Kit


Well-Known Member
hey bro check out my grow. it has pics of all my nutes and the chems i use.. i just use the brown sponge medium that came with my deluxe.. it looks alot better than the green sponge cut in half crap most people show.. and one in particular used dirt LOL..
anywho the links in my signature.

stay green