AeroGrow - Opinions?


Well-Known Member
I seen this on one of those infamercials and I was wondering what some of rollitups experianced growers thought about it.

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If you click the "Watch it grow" link it seems pretty amazing to me.
This device tells you when to add organic nutrient tablets to the water base and as well tells you when to add more water, its pretty much a hydro system. I thought about buying it, the plant couldn't grow 6-12 ft but it would be a shelf size plant. Is it worth the buy?


Well-Known Member
Actually, thank you for that link. Tells me alot more.

I still would like to hear views on this.. would it be worth the buy for shelf size marijuana growth and what max yield do you believe this would offer?

If people see no issue behind the use of this product I am most certainly investing in 1 or 2..


Well-Known Member
They are expencive... You could make one out of a rubbermaid tub for alot less... If you can afford one they work ok... Problemmatic for bad pH, get you a test kit... I don't recomend using the aerogarden nutes that come with the seed kits... Put a fish tank pump aerator in the res. Don't grow too many plants at a time, they get crowded... Read read read... Tek's aerogarden threads is the best place to start!


Well-Known Member
You make some valuable points ... I appreciate that..
I still wana roll with aero for the fact that its small, built in timer, informs you when to add water and when to add nutes. As for not using the nutes they provide, I wana say that you recommend not doing that for the fact that they do not have the proper nutrition that a marijuana plant thrives on.. am I correct? I could be way off im starting to drink and I dont think my opinions completely valid at the moment.. See I have no problem creating a system completely on my own.. but atm im looking for a job and my girlfriends bringin in the income along with our baby so we really have no money. Im definately looking for a job to help push my grow area to perfection.. not atm tho


Well-Known Member
You are correct... There is no way of telling exactly what are in the aerogarden nutes... Some people think they are ok, but they have killed other people's plants. The built in timer is nice, but thats all it is is a timer... the hood runs at 16/8 light cycle... there are different settings for the water pump. I perfer the salad greens setting because it makes the pump rull 24/7... Peace


Well-Known Member
I think you'd be better off building something of your own, and as you mentioned being strapped for cash, this way would cost alot less and yeild alot more.

You make some valuable points ... I appreciate that..
I still wana roll with aero for the fact that its small, built in timer, informs you when to add water and when to add nutes. As for not using the nutes they provide, I wana say that you recommend not doing that for the fact that they do not have the proper nutrition that a marijuana plant thrives on.. am I correct? I could be way off im starting to drink and I dont think my opinions completely valid at the moment.. See I have no problem creating a system completely on my own.. but atm im looking for a job and my girlfriends bringin in the income along with our baby so we really have no money. Im definately looking for a job to help push my grow area to perfection.. not atm tho


Well-Known Member
That aero looked like a work of art when I was up late drinkin some beer watching infomercials lmao.. Yea nothing was on tv and I was bored as shit with nothing to and found this advertised.. I mean this does look like a good machine to grow some nice veggies for your home cooking but weed was questionable and thats why I came to you people for advice first before I made the purchase..


Well-Known Member
Im not sure where the thread is that shows how to make it, but for half the price you can make one out of a rubermaid continer, some tubing, a sub pump and some plastic pots... Just add lights... Anybody have that thread saved?


Well-Known Member
Tons of aerogarden posts on this site. Just search for it and see what other members are doing.