Aerogrowers, is noise a problem in your grow op?


Well-Known Member
Hi aerogrowers!
I have searched this and other forums for information on noise from aeroponic systems. I can´t find answers so I really hope that you would help me. I´m growing indoors and my growtent is near by the sleeping area.

Do you aerogrowers out there have problems with noise from the sprayers, pumps or water? Perhaps the noise from Aeroflo, GHE DPS Aero or your DIY-system is not a problem at all? Those of you that grow in HPA-systems, do you have any problems with noise? If the noise is an issue, how to you handle it?



Well-Known Member
I had a low pressure aeroponic system that was barely perceptable. The fans for cooling my lights were much louder. A high pressure system may be much different.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for helping me, Red1966. Now I can focus on my aeroponic setup instead of possible noise. :)


Well-Known Member
Water falling back into the reservoir made more noise than the pump or sprayers. Easily cured by having water drain through tubes into the reservoir instead of free falling. I think a high pressure system might be noisy, tho. The low pressure system worked great.