Aeroponic lollipop...mmmm..


Well-Known Member
A question from another thread has inspired this question.

This is a trimming question for those of you who run SOG Aero. Stinkbud and filthy WHERE U AT?!?!

ok so those of us who are in this boat realize that vegging for more than 3-4 days is not good. plants will grow so swiftly even in 12-12 that any longer is unnecessary.

So, the question is, when do I start and stop trimming my girls? It seems like I could trim bottom nodes every 5 days and they will still keep coming. Would this be a bad thing to do?

Would it be more efficient to trim only once mebe 2.5 weeks into flower when veg growth has slowed?

basically I want to trim more to form a better lollipop, but I am afraid that regular trimming may stress the plants excessively.


Well-Known Member
This is what I was wondering too. So trim off all branches but leave nodes for the buds to grow?


Active Member
thats what ive been told, and have done it to one i currently have, worked fine, maybe wasnt drastic enough with the initial trimming but it works well.


Well-Known Member
trimming the bottom third just gets rid of the parts of the plant that gets no light. If you have awesome light penetration you could trim away less. It is just so the plant doesn't waste energy that could go to tops