Aeroponic root problem

My plants were about 5 weeks or so in veg when I decided to replace the water in the tank to get them ready for flower. They were doing GREAT before this but after I flushed the tank w/ the new water, they started wilting. I used water from my bathtub and let it sit out for a day. Also it took me about 45mins to replace the water and while I did this I left thep lants/roots in an empty tank. Leaves show early signs of P deficiency. I finally look at the roots and I now have a brownish slime on my roots!!(it looks like it could be excess newts on it?) So far Ive flushed/diluted the water and added about 2tablespoons of peroxide. What do I need to get rid of the slime on my roots !? Let me know if u need more details


Active Member
oh no u said it cloudy white the help but as ive just delt with this am going to presume its brown alge........."brown" coming a bit later though.....the best treatment is hydrogen peroxcide and a general clean of the carefull though as this will spread for system to system......check ur water temps....try get them to 18-20 celcius max.....keep ur eye on the progression of the alge looking for the colour shift.....if u see this bin the plant unfortunatly......hope its not this so get a pic on so we can b sure.......i can only speculate at this stage


Active Member
i use e.c mate so if u can find a converter an e.c between 1.2-1.8 depending on growth stage is is cool....5.8-6.2 range is ideal


Active Member
a just checked there 1000 ppm is about 1.4ec thats perfect.......70 f is 21 c so if ur saying 70ish is it upwards....could be tank temps


Active Member
lol......yup drain half out on add pain water.......a cant say i have.....dont want to be the bearer of bad news but its hard to beat if u let it progress......... use liqued oxygen(H2O2) and fill tank with a double dose and let it run for 2 hours.....change tank to water and see if u an kill it early enough


Well-Known Member
you said they were 5 weeks in veg when you decided to change the water. is this the first time changing it?. if thats the case you may be in a pickle.


Active Member
booooooooo.....gutted for ya mate it sure as hell looks like the same thing a had........i cant say for sure but the only thing that changed when a got the prob was the temps outside when abnormally hot for UK and it raised my tank temps so i made effort to keep them down this time and ive no probs this time.....this also happened to ma buddy in his NFT system....if its just limited to one plant in a system with others in it id get rid ov the infected ones, clean the tank as best i cold....maybe even mist the other plants roots with a light mix of water and liquid oxygen then wash off.....and hope...
if ur lucky and its a single unit system then get if out and change ur out as left unattended itll start to get spores on it highering the level of spreading....hope this helps and everything goes ok