Aeroponics - beneficial to have an external reservoir?


Active Member
Has anyone looked into this?

A) Having the water reservoir with the roots, effectively leaving the top part of the roots in the air while the bottom sit in the water (like DWC)

B) Having all of the roots out of the water and the tub draining into an external reservoir.

Is it worth the added effort (growth times, disease resistance, etc) to go with option B?

Have any of you found adverse effects when working with option A? Do you have problems with root rot? Do the plants grow slower or do they get enough oxygen at the top of their roots?


Active Member
Has anyone looked into this?

A) Having the water reservoir with the roots, effectively leaving the top part of the roots in the air while the bottom sit in the water (like DWC)

B) Having all of the roots out of the water and the tub draining into an external reservoir.

Is it worth the added effort (growth times, disease resistance, etc) to go with option B?

Have any of you found adverse effects when working with option A? Do you have problems with root rot? Do the plants grow slower or do they get enough oxygen at the top of their roots?
Hi matey, im currently in the middle buying a system which does both, used aeroponics for a couple of years and found a few problems with the systems.

Root rott is often caused by unsantised tanks and high tank temps, maintaining a constant temp of around 22-24 should drastically reduce the chances of pythium, rarely get it in my current system.

The problem with the likes of the Amazon Aeroponics is the tank sits under the plants, therefore the tank is in the grow room resulting in possible temps rocketing if measures are not taken to reduce this.

Covering the amazon aeroponic system with mylar, spraying the tank white to increase yeild, covering the tray that sticks out to avoid light hitting the water in exposed tank.

The system im buying is simmiliar to Heath's Tree grow only using aeroponics and DWC in a recirulated system, in effect all buckets are controlled from one main tank to avoid ph and ec flucuations and also to avoid removing bucket lids to check ph and ec, simply check it from main tank.

Also the tank will be out the grow room which means better control of tank temps.

The bucket size is 5 gallons inside another 5 gallon bucket.

The only difference being i plan to cut more holes in the inner bucket as they are small and few in number, only 8 small holes. The problem with housing large plants is without good drainage with lack of holes in the first bucket it may block up later in flower and overflow with incredible root growth which most aeroponics produce.

This system looks great except the buckets are to close, asked the people and they stated they can be spaced. Going to space mine at about 3-4 ft apart so large plants can thrive.

Also going to have these buckets on wheels so can move them a little bit, useful in vertical growing to maximise light.

Love to see what everyone else thinks of this system, check out the aero dwc section and the setup for a video on how it works.

I noticed the sprayers are under the lid at the top, this is much better, the amazon has them underneath the roots and sometimes they get clogged by excessive root growth. Think of thowing a towel over a garden sprinker, in the amazon it can stop it spinning.

This system I think once used will be the dogs bollox, if spaced out 2 to 3 feet apart with vertical lights thrown it.

Checkout setup, and watch the pictures and video, shows root growth after few days, 21 days, etc. Pretty much the same root growth as the Amazon system only completely light proof, tank can be outside grow room, can be spaced out unlike amazon, no clogging due to better position with misters and more space for root growth not to mention DWC roots in second bucket, cheap also.

All in all cannot wait to do a dairy on it in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone looked into this?

A) Having the water reservoir with the roots, effectively leaving the top part of the roots in the air while the bottom sit in the water (like DWC)

B) Having all of the roots out of the water and the tub draining into an external reservoir.

Is it worth the added effort (growth times, disease resistance, etc) to go with option B?

Have any of you found adverse effects when working with option A? Do you have problems with root rot? Do the plants grow slower or do they get enough oxygen at the top of their roots?

IF you have a separate rez and your pump fails it will be easy to change.

In your GROW box install the drain in such a way that you still keep about 2" of water in the bottom. If the pump fails and the tub is dry (because EVERYTHING drains back to the rez) you may have 1/2 hr before they're all dead.

Make sure you have a secondary drain (right at the bottom) so when it comes time to change nutes or flush you can drain everything from the grow box.

I have had great success with aerotubs where the pump was right inside the tub (no separate rez) and was able to pull down 22 zips from (2) 18 gallon tubs with 6 holes in each under (2) 600w HPS'S.

Here's a No separate rez grow:

Here's a system where pump failure will doom me.