Afganistan Collapse

Oh dudes, don’t get me wrong, I’m not into organized religion personally. I was raised catholic and after growing up, traveling, and experiencing profound spiritual journeys with mushrooms, and being exposed to the dmtverse, “god” is waaaaaay too small and simple.

humans fear death and the unknown and religion was the perfect answer to controlling the masses.

My comment was snide but if we’re being realistic Christians in this country are not the Christians of 400-600 years ago, which is where today’s taliban seem to be stuck
Oh dudes, don’t get me wrong, I’m not into organized religion personally. I was raised catholic and after growing up, traveling, and experiencing profound spiritual journeys with mushrooms, and being exposed to the dmtverse, “god” is waaaaaay too small and simple.

humans fear death and the unknown and religion was the perfect answer to controlling the masses.

My comment was snide but if we’re being realistic Christians in this country are not the Christians of 400-600 years ago, which is where today’s taliban seem to be stuck
Know any women priests? Twenty years ago if you questioned a priest or nun, smack in the kisser and another when you got home.
Afghan War was just a way for the US to funnel trillions of tax dollars to military contractors, which many policiticians benefit from, directly or indirectly.
I look at Afghan war as our collective need to strike out after 9/11. What it turned into is what happens when you have hundreds of thousands/millions of people actively occupying a foreign land for 20 years.

Oh dudes, don’t get me wrong, I’m not into organized religion personally. I was raised catholic and after growing up, traveling, and experiencing profound spiritual journeys with mushrooms, and being exposed to the dmtverse, “god” is waaaaaay too small and simple.

humans fear death and the unknown and religion was the perfect answer to controlling the masses.

My comment was snide but if we’re being realistic Christians in this country are not the Christians of 400-600 years ago, which is where today’s taliban seem to be stuck
I really don't know enough about them to make any real conclusions about when/where they are at sociological timeline wise.

But I would think that they are not burning woman as witches, which was what was going on in white religious world only 300 years(ish) ago.

But still a lot of things have changed in the way we treat non white men in our nation over the last 100 years. And they as humans are no different, so who knows how this turns out.


Oh dudes, don’t get me wrong, I’m not into organized religion personally. I was raised catholic and after growing up, traveling, and experiencing profound spiritual journeys with mushrooms, and being exposed to the dmtverse, “god” is waaaaaay too small and simple.

humans fear death and the unknown and religion was the perfect answer to controlling the masses.

My comment was snide but if we’re being realistic Christians in this country are not the Christians of 400-600 years ago, which is where today’s taliban seem to be stuck
That's not the picture your kind presented to us on Jan 6. We saw and we remember.
you’re a couple hundred years late on that comparison. Those darn Christians subjugating women and banning gay rights!! Watch out or they’ll getcha! Too funny
No. Christians in America are still actively resisting women’s rights and anything involving sex without heterosexual marriage. They also believe that white people belong to Jesus more than the degenerate races.
The church remains a bastion of every bigotry that troubles us today.
No. Christians in America are still actively resisting women’s rights and anything involving sex without heterosexual marriage. They also believe that white people belong to Jesus more than the degenerate races.
The church remains a bastion of every bigotry that troubles us today.
The accurate comparison between the Taliban and Evangelical Christians in the US struck a nerve in old @nuskool89 . He's been a denying little bitch ever since it was made.

But we saw them for what they are. Jan 6 was the final straw. Gaslighting doesn't work any more.
The accurate comparison between the Taliban and Evangelical Christians in the US struck a nerve in old @nuskool89 . He's been a denying little bitch ever since it was made.

But we saw them for what they are. Jan 6 was the final straw. Gaslighting doesn't work any more.
Dominionists are at their hearts authoritarians. Doesn’t matter under which faith’s banner.
Religion is a tough thing for people to stay rational about. Which is why I try to avoid talking about it like the plague, and have slowly been sucked into talking about here.

Sorry about that for my part.

I may disagree with how a lot of people are using it as a weapon, but that doesn't represent the vast majority of people I have met that are very good people who are deeply religious.

And talking shit about religion is one of those things that will end conversations in the real world that is not easily repaired. As is not giving the people that have and are dedicating their lives to protect our nation, our respect.
Religion is a tough thing for people to stay rational about. Which is why I try to avoid talking about it like the plague, and have slowly been sucked into talking about here.

Sorry about that for my part.

I may disagree with how a lot of people are using it as a weapon, but that doesn't represent the vast majority of people I have met that are very good people who are deeply religious.

And talking shit about religion is one of those things that will end conversations in the real world that is not easily repaired. As is not giving the people that have and are dedicating their lives to protect our nation, our respect.
I have a very very low opinion of you.