Afganistan Collapse

Tribal; warlords, Taliban and now the new left.
Nope don't see civil war. Taliban will corral them in. Give them regions to watch over. The tribes would have to collaborate against the Taliban. They hate each other. Though there is "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Still tribal warlords act like they're ADHD and can't sit still.
Nope any hint of an uprising and that group with their families, friends neighbors, donkeys, goats.. anything that walks talks and breathes will be turned into a sand dune.
No. Christians in America are still actively resisting women’s rights and anything involving sex without heterosexual marriage. They also believe that white people belong to Jesus more than the degenerate races.
The church remains a bastion of every bigotry that troubles us today.
I can't remember the name of the company, but they only do surveys sponsored by churches. So they only talk to church going folks. They have got real good at slipping in questions on race. Out of 50 questions there will be 5-6 on race, and they spread them around the questionnaire. Their finds were the more you went to church, the more pigmentation based prejudice you had.
My two cents. . . .

We didn't fight a 20 year war, we fought 20 one year wars. There was over 80% turnover per year. When a new team would come in, they had new ideas about the right way to do things.

The folks we were putting in the army could not read and write. We gave them arms systems they could not use by themselves. If we had bought AK-47's and motorbikes for them, they would have had a chance.
Consider the massive stockpile of weapons , field tech , helicopters , armored vehicles, attack aircraft and what else the u.s. spent …
I would HOPE that as soon as the last flight leaves , that a M.O.A.B or stream of drones come raining down on that stockpile.

AfgHans pretty much rolled over , so taliban gets the spoils ?
I still say a mk/B53 up their skirts would be good start.
What’s the consensus on Biden’s handling of the fallout? Personally, I’m not impressed. “We knew there would be chaos”. WTF?! That’s not what he’s been saying all summer.

It appears to me he’s taking a page out of the Republican playbook when he would have been better served taking a page out of the JFK playbook.

After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy took responsibility for it, called it a mistake and said he expected the American people to hold him to his mistakes now and in the future. Biden seems to be defensive and irritated that he’s being questioned about his administrations role in an obvious cluster fuck.

Incidentally, Kennedy’s numbers took a slight incline after his handling of the fallout which prompted him to say, “it’s just like Eisenhower, the worse we do, the more they like us”.
What’s the consensus on Biden’s handling of the fallout? Personally, I’m not impressed. “We knew there would be chaos”. WTF?! That’s not what he’s been saying all summer.

It appears to me he’s taking a page out of the Republican playbook when he would have been better served taking a page out of the JFK playbook.

After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy took responsibility for it, called it a mistake and said he expected the American people to hold him to his mistakes now and in the future. Biden seems to be defensive and irritated that he’s being questioned about his administrations role in an obvious cluster fuck.

Incidentally, Kennedy’s numbers took a slight incline after his handling of the fallout which prompted him to say, “it’s just like Eisenhower, the worse we do, the more they like us”.
Im less concerned about them answering every single little question that has real world implications in a highly volatile situation.

It is amazing how short term thinking people seem to have.

It was only mid-June that the world got to take a breath about nuclear war not breaking out between Russia and America. And a month later Netanyahu was looking like he was going to try to become a real dictator by picking fights with the Palestinians.

And here we are about a month out from that and are now having to withdraw from a 20 year war that Trump put us in very unstable ground everywhere with his 'deals' with the Taliban and complete abandoment of out allies.

How many global wars has Biden had to dodge so far just over half a year into his firs term?
What’s the consensus on Biden’s handling of the fallout? Personally, I’m not impressed. “We knew there would be chaos”. WTF?! That’s not what he’s been saying all summer.

It appears to me he’s taking a page out of the Republican playbook when he would have been better served taking a page out of the JFK playbook.

After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Kennedy took responsibility for it, called it a mistake and said he expected the American people to hold him to his mistakes now and in the future. Biden seems to be defensive and irritated that he’s being questioned about his administrations role in an obvious cluster fuck.

Incidentally, Kennedy’s numbers took a slight incline after his handling of the fallout which prompted him to say, “it’s just like Eisenhower, the worse we do, the more they like us”.
sad to say but we (US) will forget about it by the end of Labor Day weekend. college and pro football will take center stage, kids starting and stopping school, etc
Im less concerned about them answering every single little question that has real world implications in a highly volatile situation.

It is amazing how short term thinking people seem to have.

It was only mid-June that the world got to take a breath about nuclear war not breaking out between Russia and America. And a month later Netanyahu was looking like he was going to try to become a real dictator by picking fights with the Palestinians.

And here we are about a month out from that and are now having to withdraw from a 20 year war that Trump put us in very unstable ground everywhere with his 'deals' with the Taliban and complete abandoment of out allies.

How many global wars has Biden had to dodge so far just over half a year into his firs term?
I’m not disputing anything you said here but is it your opinion that Biden has handled this well? This was my question.

Why are you so defensive about it?
I don't know if it pertains to whatever the dispute is, but many people try to hide their exceptionally shitty ideas into the "oh it's just different" category. There's a gamut of regular bickering that occurs all the time and christians/republicans/trumpers have stepped well outside of that gamut in recent years. At some point, these really shitty and hateful ideas are no longer "just different" and not just worthy of disrespect, but disrespect is actually the correct course of action, because entertaining the idea of something like bigotry with a straight face is, in itself, lending credibility to bigotry, and you just can't allow that to happen.

We should punch those ideas, just saying.
I’m not disputing anything you said here but is it your opinion that Biden has handled this well? This was my question.
I am willing to admit that I do not know enough about the behind the scenes intelligence that decisions are being made with. But yeah after watching General Milley's explanation of the 2nd airport, and the situation of the troops, it sounds like it came down to escalating or continuing the withdraw with what they had. I agree with not escalating.

Why are you so defensive about it?
Maybe because we are still in a online war where the nonstop shit talking and goldfish-esque memory people have about everything has led to people thinking shit like blowing themselves up in a car bomb in our capital?

Trump stuffed as many trolls as he could throughout our executive branch and who knows what shit Biden is dealing with to try to keep our nation safe while the Republicans are actively pushing people into being radicalized by attacking everything and anything Biden of Democrats do.

And this steady bitching was the same as it was under Obama when they were starting the Tea Party bullshit, and it is worth being defensive about.
I’m not disputing anything you said here but is it your opinion that Biden has handled this well? This was my question.

Why are you so defensive about it?

I dont think anyone could handle this well and it's going about the same as it would under anybody. We shouldn't have gone, couldn't win, etc. It was a waste of life, money, etc.

It's the same outcome every single time. The only way you win is to kill every single person. Otherwise you have an entire generation of people where some invading force killed their parents. They aren't going to stop waging war against occupying forces, tbh they shouldn't. You don't beat them into submission, at best you make them take a break, then back to it.

I think the best we could do would be to force them to allow refugees out. You can win a battle or force an action, but not the war.
Maybe because we are still in a online war where the nonstop shit talking and goldfish-esque memory people have about everything has led to people thinking shit like blowing themselves up in a car bomb in our capital?

Trump stuffed as many trolls as he could throughout our executive branch and who knows what shit Biden is dealing with to try to keep our nation safe while the Republicans are actively pushing people into being radicalized by attacking everything and anything Biden of Democrats do.

And this steady bitching was the same as it was under Obama when they were starting the Tea Party bullshit, and it is worth being defensive about.
You’re being irrational.

Of course Biden is doing better than trump but that’s a pretty low bar. So you think Biden’s administration handled this perfectly? You don’t think Biden is going to make mistakes?

It’s ok to be critical of a president you support. If the president is a good one, they will welcome the criticism. Being defensive and using whataboutisms makes you sound like a trumptard.
You’re being irrational.
How so?

This didn't happen?
Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 9.34.45 AM.png

Of course Biden is doing better than trump but that’s a pretty low bar. So you think Biden’s administration handled this perfectly? You don’t think Biden is going to make mistakes?
Moving the bar to 'perfectly' is a bullshit trolling tactic.

It’s ok to be critical of a president you support. If the president is a good one, they will welcome the criticism. Being defensive and using whataboutisms makes you sound like a trumptard.

You asked the question, I answered it. And instead of actually talking about anything I wrote, you troll me.
Consider the massive stockpile of weapons , field tech , helicopters , armored vehicles, attack aircraft and what else the u.s. spent …
I would HOPE that as soon as the last flight leaves , that a M.O.A.B or stream of drones come raining down on that stockpile.

AfgHans pretty much rolled over , so taliban gets the spoils ?
I still say a mk/B53 up their skirts would be good start.