Afganistan Collapse

They don't really embrace technology. Same as with everything we've already left, because this isn't a new problem, and same with everything the russians left, they'll use it until it breaks and then leave it where it lies and move onto something else.
Yeah, right they move on to our stuff.
They don't really embrace technology. Same as with everything we've already left, because this isn't a new problem, and same with everything the russians left, they'll use it until it breaks and then leave it where it lies and move onto something else.
Good. They should be breaking down soon. They will probably go out for joy runs for a few weeks having fun with the new technology and then the tanks will stop working before they can use them to hurt anyone.
the vast majority of US troops in Afghanistan weren't front line door kickers, they are maintenance and support crews.
Look, I want to believe you. I really hope your right. They just shouldn't have the stuff. Period!!
The Russians are in talks with these people. You think they won't help them? Even maintain materials. Maybe supply??
Israel scrounged everything after each war AND did what they could to make it all work. Hopefully, (probably), they're not that smart.
They probably just sell what they can if they can't use it. I doubt they decide to let it all rot. They have been grabbing equipment where they can from the Afghan Army for years. Some of those afghan army soldiers were surely trained to fix or maintain gear we gave them and plenty of them are still there.
The suggestion 20 million Afghani women and 20 million men prefer to live under sharia law enforced by an extremist minority is as absurd as saying black people wanted to be slaves, or Americans wanted Trump.

The US has less than 5% of the world population yet people feel we should dictate how the other 95% should live....
There's not a single person in the world who feels that. The most powerful 5% preventing 0.0012% of the population from depriving 0.5% of the population of basic human rights is a long way from dictating how 95% of the world should live. Plus there were about 30 allies. Such un-reasons, the appeals to emotion (bringing kids/sons/daughters home), the shifting of blame to Trump or even the Afghans, downplaying the left behind weapons, all indicate either a lack of a good reason or a reason people don't want to admit (their own indifference or Biden not being infallible?).

None of it changes the fact the situation now is what it is, a shit show that could have and should have been prevented. And it's getting worse by the day. Those weapons left behind will be used to kill innocent people, civilians, and the ones who are after 40 years still willing and able to fight - before they break down (and Russia and China trade parts for lithium).
The suggestion 20 million Afghani women and 20 million men prefer to live under sharia law enforced by an extremist minority is as absurd as saying black people wanted to be slaves, or Americans wanted Trump.

There's not a single person in the world who feels that. The most powerful 5% preventing 0.0012% of the population from depriving 0.5% of the population of basic human rights is a long way from dictating how 95% of the world should live. Plus there were about 30 allies. Such un-reasons, the appeals to emotion (bringing kids/sons/daughters home), the shifting of blame to Trump or even the Afghans, downplaying the left behind weapons, all indicate either a lack of a good reason or a reason people don't want to admit (their own indifference or Biden not being infallible?).

None of it changes the fact the situation now is what it is, a shit show that could have and should have been prevented. And it's getting worse by the day. Those weapons left behind will be used to kill innocent people, civilians, and the ones who are after 40 years still willing and able to fight - before they break down (and Russia and China trade parts for lithium).
In case you missed it.....thump had 4 years
A former Pence adviser said Trump had 4 years to help Afghan allies leave the country but Stephen Miller's 'racist hysteria' blocked it from happening
In case you missed it.....thump had 4 years
I saw that, but don't see how a former Pence adviser, Trump, and a nazi are relevant to what I posted.

I get it, any sensible person is worried this will look so bad on Biden it will empower republicans, worst case scenario affect future elections. That's the reason for the blame game, politics. This is the politics forum so don't mind me. I don't care what Trump's influence on the situation was, I don't care about the perception in the political arena in the US, and I don't really care enough about the future of Afghanistan either. That bothers me though, the fact we no longer care. The indifference, and the irrational excuses to justify it. Would be nice if people, and Biden, could simply be straight-forward about that. Maybe we can then follow some 10 step program to become compassionate human beings again willing to make sacrifices to provide everyone on earth with basic human rights.
The suggestion 20 million Afghani women and 20 million men prefer to live under sharia law enforced by an extremist minority is as absurd as saying black people wanted to be slaves, or Americans wanted Trump.

There's not a single person in the world who feels that. The most powerful 5% preventing 0.0012% of the population from depriving 0.5% of the population of basic human rights is a long way from dictating how 95% of the world should live. Plus there were about 30 allies. Such un-reasons, the appeals to emotion (bringing kids/sons/daughters home), the shifting of blame to Trump or even the Afghans, downplaying the left behind weapons, all indicate either a lack of a good reason or a reason people don't want to admit (their own indifference or Biden not being infallible?).

None of it changes the fact the situation now is what it is, a shit show that could have and should have been prevented. And it's getting worse by the day. Those weapons left behind will be used to kill innocent people, civilians, and the ones who are after 40 years still willing and able to fight - before they break down (and Russia and China trade parts for lithium).
I think you go too far though man.

Biden is accepting the blame, the whole 'buck stops with me' thing. But expecting people to flail themselves about shit over and over without pushing back with actual context is not realistic. We know that trolls are always nudging bullshit narratives to help the Republicans and Trump, and that must be pushed back on every time so we as a nation don't screw up like we did in 2016 ever again.
you think said Lt wants his tank to grind to a halt in the middle of a firefight due to lack of being maintained? his crew and his tank would be sitting ducks. These modern weapons have rigorous maintenance schedules for a reason. This ain't your washing machine
Sorry! I thought these were made by Maytag.
They probably just sell what they can if they can't use it. I doubt they decide to let it all rot. They have been grabbing equipment where they can from the Afghan Army for years. Some of those afghan army soldiers were surely trained to fix or maintain gear we gave them and plenty of them are still there.
Sell it to who? Lebanon? Doublejj has a good point. (don't tell'em).
Mercury Rising.."Low Tech rules."
The more high tech we make it. The easier it breaks down..........But high tech can be bought for pennies.
Don't you love conundrums.
I think you go too far though man.

Biden is accepting the blame, the whole 'buck stops with me' thing. But expecting people to flail themselves about shit over and over without pushing back with actual context is not realistic. We know that trolls are always nudging bullshit narratives to help the Republicans and Trump, and that must be pushed back on every time so we as a nation don't screw up like we did in 2016 ever again.
If you want to suggest I'm unreasonable, explain so with reason, not a strawman. I'm too old for that shit. Russian trolls didn't get you Trump, anti-intellectualism did.